Foundation News

Learning In Foundation!

In Maths, students have been learning to identify, make and record numbers between 20-99. They have been representing multiples of 10 on tens frames using Unifix blocks. Students have been enjoying playing the 'Train Game' (see pictures below) and have also been learning to skip count by 2's. 

                                                      Video: Skip counting by 2s 

Home Online Learning

We would like to thank our Foundation families for all their support throughout the term, and particularly during remote learning. It was pleasing to see how engaged and excited students were to see their friends and teachers via Zoom. Here is a glimpse of how excited and proud students were to share their work.










A special thank you to our parent helpers who have been such amazing support in the classroom. 

Congratulations to all students on a fantastic term of learning. We wish all Foundation families and students a safe and well deserved break. We look forward to a productive & exciting Term 3!

Parent/Teacher Meetings

We look forward to meeting parents, elaborating on student reports, and sharing student successes during our Parent/Teacher Conferences in Week One next Term. Meetings will be 15 minutes in duration. We remind parents to book a meeting as soon as times are made available. 


As part of Religion, students have recently learnt about the events of Creation.

  • In the beginning - God started creation
  • The first day - light was created
  • The second day - the sky was created
  • The third day - dry land, seas, plants and trees were created
  • The fourth day - the Sun, Moon and stars were created
  • The fifth day - creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly were created
  • The sixth day - animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the image of God were created
  • By day seven - God finished his work of creation and rested, making the seventh day a special holy day.

Students created religious pieces of art replicating the events in Creation. It was great to hear the children involved in discussions explaining how they have been given the task and responsibility to look after the place that God had created for them. We invite you to have a look at a sample of the works of art.

At Home Maths Activity

To continue to support your child's revision of automatic number recognition, you may like to: 

  • Place a deck of cards (picture cards removed) in the middle of two players.
  • Turn over the top two cards. Players quickly identify which card is larger and place their hand on the card. They must correctly read the number in order to keep the card.
  • Possible further prompts - How much bigger is the number? How do you know? 

Important Dates

Tuesday 22nd June - Maths Day Activities

Friday 25th June - Whole School Assembly 12pm

Friday 25th June -Last day of Term 2 (students finish at 1pm)

Monday 12th July - First day of Term 3

Week 9 & 10 Learning Intentions

Open the attachment to find out what students in Foundation will be learning.

Foundation Weekly Timetables & Learning Intentions for Term 3 Weeks 1 & 2 have not been included in this edition of the newsletter. Teachers will be working on these this week and throughout the holidays. Instead, Learning Intentions will be posted via Skoolbag Monday 12th July. Thank you for your understanding.

Week 9 & 10 Timetables

Open each attachment to find out what's happening in Foundation. 

Staff Contacts

Linda Pham (FP)          

Lorraine Uzunovski (FL)


Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.