Learning Diversity 

Annie McNaughton

Tips for learning at primary school

Here are some practical tips for helping your primary school-age child learn:

  • Show an interest in what your child is doing and learning by talking about school.
  • Play rhyming games, letter games, and shape and number games with your child, and practise taking turns in games and activities.
  • Use simple language, and play with words and word meanings – for example, you could clap out the syllables of words or play word association games.
  • Keep reading to your child even when she can read for herself.
  • Let your child hear and see lots of new words in books, on TV or in general conversation, and talk about what the words mean.
  • Make sure your child has time for free, unstructured play.
  • Help your child discover what they are good at by encouraging them to try lots of different activities.

Tips for learning at upper primary and secondary school

Here are some practical tips for helping your older school-age child learn:

  • Encourage your child to try new things, to make mistakes and to learn about who she is through new experiences. Keep praising them for trying new things.
  • Show an interest in your child’s activities. For example, if he enjoys playing the drums, ask him about the music he’s playing and whether he’d like to play for you.
  • Watch the news together and talk about what’s happening in the world.
  • If your child has homework, encourage her to do it at about the same time each day and in a particular area, away from distractions like the TV or a mobile phone.
  • Make sure your child has time to relax and play. For example, your child might like to read, take photos or kick a ball in the backyard.
  • Help your child develop or maintain a good sleep pattern.

Sometimes your child will need your emotional support for learning, as much as your practical help. Here are some ideas:

  • Try to be sensitive to when your child is struggling with learning tasks, and work out what he needs. Sometimes it might be your help, and sometimes it might be a break from the task.
  • Trust your child’s judgment. For example, if she thinks she’s ready to play a contact sport or try a new subject, let her have a go.
  • Accept your child as a whole person. This means appreciating that he’s strong in some areas of learning and not so strong in others.
  • Respond to your child’s feelings. For example, share her excitement when she masters something new, and be patient when she’s having trouble.
  • Try thinking back to your own learning experiences, both the enjoyable ones and the challenging ones. This will help you understand your child’s experience.