Information Technology

Shane Giese

Borrowed Devices

This is a reminder for all families that borrowed any devices over the two 'lock-down's' this year to please return them.  We have noticed that several devices are still missing and can they please be returned by this Friday.


Google Classroom

Google Classroom is one tool we are using in our Home Online Learning journey.  This online tool enables the teachers and students to have a virtual link to one another, and a platform to outline tasks that the students need to complete for the day (including Zoom links). Students can ask questions to their teachers via the stream or comment section and teachers can also provide any other information that isn't necessary for Skoolbag or the fortnightly newsletter. 

Parents, Google Classroom also gives you another opportunity to see what your child is completing from day-to-day (particularly during Home Online Learning).  We ask you to please sit down with your child and talk to them about all of their wonderful learning that is posted via Google Classroom (including timetables, clinics, PST's). 

Furthermore, the Google Classroom is also an opportunity where you can see your child's work they upload (when asked to do so), and any comments that their teachers have given them.