Year 5/6 News

Fortnight in Review
In the last two weeks the 5/6 students have displayed a remarkable ability to adapt to different situations and have moved into Online Learning and then back out with relative ease. Amongst the many challenges of the last eighteen months, one of the positives is the increase in the students level of flexibility and resilience.
Literacy 📚
Throughout the last few weeks students have been continuing their exploration of poetry and creating various types of poems ranging from Haikus, Concrete/shape poems, Limericks and Odes. Students have learnt about the various ‘rules’ to apply, when writing a selection of these poems and have presented their poems to the class offering much fun, laughter and enjoyment.
Within reading we have been viewing, discussing and analysing various genres of poetry; finding text to text, text to self and text to world connections. Additionally, within grammar we have investigated the structure of various poems and identified the use of language including similes, metaphors and personification.
In spelling this fortnight students have been learning the graph /r/ making the sounds ‘r’ as in rain and the digraph /ch/ making the sound ‘k’ as in school. We have also been exploring apostrophes in possessives, where the plural noun ends in ‘s’ and revising our use of commas (in lists and clauses) and apostrophes in connectives.
Problem Based Learning
The last fortnight in Problem Based Learning has showcased the students´ creativity, empathy, and collaboration. After our initial questioning around food production, the 5/6´s have researched details around healthy diets, vegetable and meat consumption levels around the world, and animal cruelty in developing products. Students designed farms which provided a happy living environment for animals and encouraged sustainable farming practices. They then created a news clip to practice their expository texts focusing on their questions about food production.
Religion & Wellbeing 🕯
Our focus during Religion over the past fortnight has been on exploring Catholic Teaching of 'Stewardship' and what it means to be 'Stewards of Creation.' Students analysed examples of the impact individuals can make to our world.
As a connection to our PBL unit, students justified decisions made in their ethical farm with examples of the Church's teachings. It was wonderful to hear the way in which the students described the different aspects of their farm and how it would positively impact future change and development.
As part of our Wellbeing unit, students have begun to explore what it means to have a 'Growth Mindset.' They have discussed the importance of shifting our thinking from 'Things I can't do' to 'Things I can't do yet.' We encourage you to continue to talk with your child about this focus and consider what they CAN do at the moment and what they are working towards.
At home Maths activity 🎲
The students have been learning about fractions during the final two weeks of term. Fractions actually provide many wonderful opportunities to reinforce the students learning in real life situations. Whether it's ordering a pizza or baking a cake, where you can talk about how many slices you are dividing the cake or pizza into, there are many chances to incorporate fractions into the conversation. Anytime where there is sharing involved is an opportunity to discuss fractions. For example when there is cutlery set at dinner time, if there are 4 spoons and I'm given one then I am holding a quarter of the spoons.
Revising Multiplication
Practice revising times tables with these fun card games!
Learning Intentions - Week 9 & 10
Year 5/6 Weekly Timetables & Learning Intentions for Weeks 1 & 2 in Term 3 have not been included in this edition of the newsletter. Teachers will be working on these this week and throughout the holidays. Instead, Learning Intentions will be posted via Skoolbag Monday 12th July.
Important Dates 📅
Friday 25th June - Whole School Assembly 12pm
Staff Contacts 📧
Emily Jamieson -
Emma Sbizzirri -
Matt Vernal -
Max Allan -
Shane Giese -
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pmStart typing your article in here