



The school utilizes a range of communication platforms and strategies in order to keep everyone up to speed with the busy schedule at Mount View. This iNewsletter was introduced in December last year and now has nearly 700 subscribers. The school website is being updated next week to ensure that it contains easily accessed and relevant information for current and prospective parents. The website is also our avenue for those interested in moving to Melbourne and looking for a high quality government school.

Compass is used by the school to provide timely messages to parents and a means for payments and permissions to be made by parents.


During Term 1 2019, the newsletter has been produced in two formats: traditional PDF and this iNewsletter. From Term 2 the iNewsletter will be used exclusively to communicate the news of the school on a fortnightly basis. Please encourage any friends who have not switched over to subscribe to the iNewsletter. The link can be found in today’s Compass message.


Subscribe to the iNewsletter at

To access the website, follow the link