Class Captains

Antoinette Usai

Class Captains

Congratulations to the Term 1, 2020 Class Captains of Year 4:

4AU- Marli and Samuel

4AK- Defne and Ahmed

4JS- Charlie and Evie

4NW- Finn and Kailyn

3/4D- Cedar and Jacob



This term, the Year 4 students began their one to one program and received their very own netbooks. Our students are more engaged and motivated than ever as we partake in various activities whilst using them. Some of our class captains can attest to this as seen below:


This term many year 4 students got a precious netbook. When the netbooks came we were in shock and very excited and everyone wanted to open them right away. What I really like about the netbooks is that you don’t need to use paper all the time now you can just use a netbook. I love to see every student so happy on their brand new netbooks! When we are sick of the mouse we can use tablet mode in lots of different ways and we have a pen it’s amazing!


I think we are all going to have a great year with our super-duper netbooks.

Ahmed 4AK


To parents, grandparents and guardians. Computers are really handy with work and your child loves using them. On your child’s laptop or computer there are some restrictions and things that you can do. These laptops are mainly used for work and home work.

At home and school it is very important that you take extra special care of your laptop.

Finn 4NW