
Food, Textiles & Agriculture

It has been wonderful to see the amazing achievements of all the students participating in Food Technology subjects this term. Students have been developing their culinary skills throughout the term, and are to be commended on their enthusiastic approach to learning and presenting their dishes in an appealing manner.

Foundation & Year 1 Food Technology

The Foundation and Grade One students have made Traffic Light Sandwiches and Hand Apple Pies over the last two weeks. Students made their traffic lights using a selection of healthy ingredients. 

The Students thoroughly enjoyed working with puff pastry to make their own Hand Apple Pie. 

Students cut the pastry and then pinched the edges together and brushed them with some butter and cinnamon. 

They showed their understanding of what happens to the pastry when you put it in the oven. Students were able to describe the food they made using sensory words.

Food Technology Elective

The Food Technology Elective Students made their own Hamburger this week, and have focused on different methods of cooking making their own relish and caramelised onion to accompany their Hamburger. 

Students were introduced to other Functional Properties of food including Caramelisation and Dextrinization.

Last week students used the processes of ‘poaching’ and ‘gelatinisation’ when they made their Swirly Twirl Fruit Dessert in a Glass. 

Sweet Desires - Elective

Sweet Desires students have been focusing on developing their design ideas for their cupcake Design Brief using fondant. 


Students have also produced show quality jam rolls, perfecting their skills in making a sponge roll.



Students also made Swirly Twirl Fruit Dessert in a Glass. This enabled students to complete different elements of a recipe including poached pears, custard and sweet crumbs.

Year 3/4 Textiles

Students continue to develop their fine motor skills as well as their designing skills using a range of materials and buttons. 

Year 7 Agriculture

Students have been researching how to make a wicking bed as they will be creating some for the vegetable garden in Term 2. 

Year 5/6 Agriculture

Thank you to the Year 5/6 students who have been looking after the chickens this term. Each morning they collect and date the eggs, feed the food scraps that are collected from the students, and ensure that the chickens have adequate water. 

Wishing all families a Happy Easter and safe and restful holidays. May you all enjoy making some food together.


Mrs Annabel Hawkins

Technology – Food/Textiles/Agriculture Teacher