
Primary Assembly Awards

Foundation/Year 1 Award Recipients


Toby Munn – Having a wonderful attitude to all aspects of his learning.

Suzen Musa - Always being respectful and kind to others.

Humd Castignani - Listening carefully in focus sessions and always trying his best.


Year 2 Award Recipients


Chloe: for her fluent reading and confidence to have a go

Alex: for trying his best always

Charlotte: for never giving up and trying her best

Year 3/4 Award Recipients

Ayla: For her consistent improvement in spelling each week. 

Lily: For coming to school everyday with a positive attitude.

Adelle: For always trying her best and showing enthusiasm during class time.



Year 5/6 Award Recipients


Marlee Henderson - Determined effort in Numeracy activities

Caleigh Munn – Positive attitude towards Group tasks

Declan Joubert – Much improved effort and concentration in all areas

Foundation/Year 1 Class 

F/1 students enjoyed a lesson in the library looking at the Piranhas don't eat Bananas book and doing some activities around it. 

The students are happily clocking up the Roowards and love visiting the Roowards shop on a Thursday to cash them in!

Foundation students have also had plenty of fun thanks to a few wonderful additions from the Food Technology room for Investigative Play.

Year 2

The Year 2 students are busy learning their 5 times tables. The class are singing the song daily and testing each other every other day and getting good at remembering them!

Year 3/4 Class

The 3/4s have been learning about bees during science lessons this term. Last week, the students made a model of a flower using a paper cup, some pipe cleaners and some coloured sand to represent the pollen. The aim of our experiment was to better understand how bees pollinate flowers and collect nectar. 


Adelle brought in her friend Sticky for show and tell. The 3/4s were excited to meet Sticky the praying mantis and learn more about him.