Grade 9 Quest Camp - Maria Island

Year 9 students recently enjoyed an overseas trip to Maria Island; a remote and unique National Park and World Heritage Area. Students lugged all their personal belongings, including 1 to 10-person tents, clothing, cooking gear and all food, and almost the kitchen sink (!) to the Darlington Campground. Students accepted many different camp challenges, including heading down to the bottom of Fossil Cliffs, heading up to the summit of Bishop and Clerk, an imposing rock summit with a cliff edge of over 500 metres down to sea level, an orienteering challenge in and around the historic area of the Darlington township, a night-time walk in small groups finding their way back to camp (without torches), and jetty jumping into the cool waters of Darlington Beach. A richly rewarding, challenging yet fulfilling camp experience for all.

Keeping up with Schoolwork, Sickness and Covid-19 

All students who are well should attend school. If your child is unable to attend school according to the COVID-19 restrictions (i.e. they are symptomatic) but you feel that some school work would be beneficial, please contact your child’s Pastoral Carer. The Pastoral Carer will contact the relevant teachers and your child will be emailed work outlines (as appropriate) at the teachers earliest convenience. 

QUEST Alpine Day Walk and Coasteering Journey - Friday!

As part of the 9 QUEST Program students will be heading off-campus this Friday, 5th March to undertake 2 activities: Alpine Day Walk on Mount Wellington, and a Coasteering Journey from Kingston Beach to Blackmans Bay. The alpine day walk begins at The Springs, and follows the Ice-House Track to the South Wellington Track and the summit of Mount Wellington, then a descent along the Zig-Zag Track to The Springs. This is an alpine walk in a rugged and beautiful natural environment exposed to the elements, with steep and rocky terrain. 


Students will travel by bus, leaving SCC at 9:00am (after Pastoral Care) on Friday and return to College at approximately 3:00pm.


Reminder! Students should bring all of the following equipment, regardless of forecast weather:


Alpine Day Walk:

  • PE uniform including pair of joggers with good grip
  • Morning tea and lunch
  • Day pack (school backpack okay)
  • At least 1 litre of drinking water
  • A sunhat and sunscreen (warm beanie might be more appropriate)
  • A waterproof rain jacket
  • A warm fleece long-sleeve top / jacket
  • Personal medications required to self-manage in a non-urban setting


  • Full-length wet-suit (the College has a limited supply available to students)
  • Pair of joggers with good grip OR booties with thick sole and good grip
  • Towel
  • Morning tea and lunch
  • At least 1 litre of drinking water
  • A sunhat and sunscreen
  • Personal medications required to self-manage in a non-urban setting
  • The College will provide helmets and pfds (personal flotation devices)

Please complete the permission form and return to the office - - ASAP and no later than 8:45am on Friday.


Mr David Witcomb

Head of QUEST

Year 11/12 News

DP students have already begun work on the Internal Assessments required for their courses. The Academic Calendar notes the times for draft documents and for the final upload. Students are also continuing their research and planning for the Extended Essay, a rigorous and challenging experience in academic research and the presentation of their essay. Students will need to show initiative and organisational skills in this process as well as the crafting of an academic essay. 


Students working on TCE courses also have an Academic Calendar to follow which notes their assignments, tests and subject requirements. They are maintaining a solid regimen of class work, homework and task submissions. 

Duke of Edinburgh Caving Trip

NEW DATES: Saturday 20th - Monday 22nd March


Saturday 20th March – Depart SCC for Mole Creek. Caving/Abseiling at Honey comb then set up camp at Mole Creek Caravan Park.

Sunday 21st March – Caving at Honeycomb and Baldocks.

Monday 22nd March – Return back to school by 3pm.

MYP Information Evening (Repeat)

Our special MYP Information Evening will be held on Wednesday 10th March. We will be gathering at 6:45pm for a prompt 7pm start.


This evening is an opportunity for the Secondary Leadership Team to present our three core areas of Faith, Curriculum and Pastoral Care. It is also an opportunity for you to connect with your child’s teachers and learn more about our school and your child’s journey through the Middle Years Programme.


The presentation itself will run from 7-8pm and will be followed by a supper and time to personally connect with our staff and meet other parents and carers.


We are very much looking forward to seeing you at this important event. Please save the date in your diary!


Please RSVP for catering purposes to 


Alan Lawson (Principal)

Todd Barker (Head of Secondary)

Luke Headley (MYP Coordinator)

Leaora Adams-Bell (Head of Pastoral Care)

Questacon Visit (Repeat)

Questacon will run workshops with our Grade 7 and Grade 9 classes in March which will immerse our students in problem-solving, technology and creativity activities. Guided by enthusiastic and engaging workshop facilitators, the interactive and challenging STEM themed workshops will expose our students to the process of innovation and refining their ideas through set challenges.



March 10th – STEM dialogue workshop – Year 9