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Aspire not to have more, but to be more - Saint Oscar Romero     


Dear Families,


Why reading is so important

From  a very early age you can give your child the precious gift of learning, loving books and reading.  Get their imaginations working and foster a wonderful curiosity about the world.   Your child's brain, ability to focus, concentration, social skills and communication skills will develop with reading.  Young children, including babies will get familiar with sounds, words and language, and develop early literacy skills.  What a wonderful gift to give your children.


A reminder that families who are not on a payment plan or have advised the school of your payment intentions, accounts must be paid by Thursday 1st April please.


St Laurence’s Primary School is committed to providing a Catholic education through balancing the need for responsible financial management within the school while maintaining sensitivity to the financial capacity of parents.    School fees are not meant to be a burden on your family budget.   If your family is experiencing difficulties in meeting your school fee commitment, we wish to hear from you.  Please contact Liz O'Loughlin on as soon as possible as there are concessions available to those who need it.


Week 5 of Lent


Dear God, 

We are here to thank You for giving us this golden opportunity to meet, 

share, and be together on this joyous day and moment. 

Thank You, God, for everything that you have continued doing for this family. 

In Jesus' name, 

we pray, 
