Clean Up Australia Day 

Kuta-kaya showed initiative and cleaned up our local community for Clean Up Australia Day on Friday 5th March. Students picked up rubbish within and outside the school, working together as a team after a scrumptious bacon and egg roll breaky sponsored by Coles Kurri Kurri. 

Kirawa Integration 

Students in Kirawa have had a flying start to the year as they dived into Big Picture learning. Students have faced a lot of problem solving as they encountered new learning styles and tech issues. They have particularly enjoyed our Community Access Program (CAP) excursions each Friday. Some of the great trips they have taken so far include going to the library and having lunch in the park, orienteering, cooking, travel training to Newcastle Foreshore and Clean Up Australia Day. They are planning some more excursions to places of interest and volunteering opportunities throughout the rest of the year.  


Students in Wuwing are becoming more sustainable through recycling and gardening. Students are collecting bottles and cans again this year to raise money towards our work ready and life skills programs. Wuwing have enjoyed planting their own seeds and are planting their discovery gardens donated by families and staff. We welcome any donations for the recycling and garden projects, and if any students or families would like to assist feel free to contact Mrs McFarlane in Kuta Kaya.  

Watch what's been happening in Kuta-kaya