PTF News


Thank to all the wonderful parents who attended our first PTF meeting for the year. This meeting was an ideas meeting as the school is in a position of being able to start forward planning on some bigger projects to improve the school for our students. 


Some of the ideas that were put forward at the meeting are:


  1. Refurbish the classrooms.
  2. To display our School Core Values on totem poles with the statements “We are Learners, “We are Safe” and “We are Respected”.
  3. The COLA area has been inundated with pigeons and the school is currently looking into getting this problem fixed ASAP
  4. Storage is also another area that we could look into or replacing goods such as tables or sports equipment.
  5. Drainage as water pools on the cement under the COLA area.
  6. Fix the area behind the canteen to make it a nice place to sit and eat lunch and incorporate a sensory garden as well.
  7. Amenities block painted, doors replaced and new bubblers to be installed.
  8. Fundraising ideas.

These projects may take 6 to 12 months to implement so if anyone has any other ideas please contact Mr Baird.


Corrina Thomson

PTF Secretary


On the last day of term the PTF will be offering canteen with a special meal deal. Apart from the fish and chips, no other food will be cooked. If you do not wish to order the meal deal, please bring your own lunch.

Students will still be able to purchase drinks, ice creams etc. The Meal Deal Order Form was sent home today and please ensure that your child's order, along with payment is returned to school by this Wednesday 24th March (for catering purposes). 



1 x Fish Piece (M)

1 x Chips

1 x Small Water

(additional fish pieces - $2.50 each)



The PTF will be holding an Easter Raffle which will be drawn on Wednesday 31st March.


Each family will be sent home a book of tickets to sell. (tickets sent home) today. Please ensure that they are returned (sold or unsold) by no later than Wednesday 31st March. This is a great prize and an easy fundraiser for the PTF.



We are having a Working Bee on Sunday 28th March 2021. Mr Baird has advised parents of jobs and equipment that will be required for the day in his Principal's Message. He will also be providing a BBQ for lunch. Please come along for an hour or more to help our lovely school look even better. You know the saying “Many hands make light work”.