RE News

Fifth Week of Lent 

Halima is raising her two children in a refugee camp in Bangladesh, while caring for her mother who has a disability. Widowed at 21, Halima fled violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine State, arriving at the camp with nothing.

Caritas Australia, through Caritas Bangladesh, helped Halima with shelter, cooking equipment, hygiene and sanitation training. She took on the role of community trainer herself, organising the cleaning of washrooms, wells and toilets. 

Halima aspired to “Be More” and is proud that she is able to earn a small income, while maintaining the health of her family and the cleanliness of the camp community.


·       In the Cox’s Bazar district, women and children make up 78% of the total refugee population where 52% of children are aged 0-17. (UNHCR)

Watch a short film about 



Halima’s story here.         

 “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” 




St Patrick's Day

On Wednesday 17th March staff and students acknowledged St Patrick's Day by wearing a green accessory to school. Mr & Mrs Gough donated green jelly for the staff and students to eat at lunchtime. Thank you Ash & Kate! 

Kale, Brayden, Coen and Saxon
Mrs Fenton & Mrs Rees
Mr Baird & Mrs Goddard
Kale, Brayden, Coen and Saxon
Mrs Fenton & Mrs Rees
Mr Baird & Mrs Goddard


Mrs Howarth has organised an Easter Egg Guessing Competition. Students and staff can guess how many easter eggs are in a jar for 50c a guess. The winner will be the person who guesses the correct number or the closest to that number.  All money raised from this will be donated to Project Compassion.


Project Compassion 

Earlier in the term, each family received a Project Compassion box. The money raised will help support the work of Caritas Australia and your generosity illuminates hope for those in dire circumstances. Please continue to put your spare change into the Project Compassion box. After the holidays we will be asking for these boxes to be returned to school so that we can send this money to Caritas Australia.

2021 Sacraments  

First Eucharist - Yr 3

Saturday 5th June, 4pm - Sacred Heart Church Boggabri 


Parent Information - Wednesday 21st April - 12.15 at school

Rite of Enrolment Mass - Saturday 1st May - 4pm Sacred Heart Church

Rite 2 Reconciliation  - Saturday 29th May - After Mass


Confirmation - Yr 6

Sunday 20th Jun, 9am, St Joseph’s Church Gunnedah


Parent Information - Wednesday 12th May - 12:15 at school

Rite of Enrolment Mass - Saturday 15th May - Sacred Heart Church, Boggabri

Rite 2 Reconciliation - Wednesday 9th June - Sacred Heart Church, Boggabri

Retreat day - Friday 18th June (with St Xavier’s in Gunnedah)  


First Reconciliation - Yr 2

Saturday 4th September, 3:30pm - Sacred Heart Church Boggabri 

Parent Information - Wednesday 11th August -12:15 at school

Rite of Enrolment Mass - 14th August, 4 pm Sacred Heart Church