Latest News

Book Fair
The MDHS Library was transformed into a 'Bookaneers Paradise' on the 29th and 30th May. Thanks to Mrs Clune who always puts in so much time and effort to make The Book Fair such an inviting space. There was some truly FABULOUS costumes on display by both staff and students on Tuesday! Well done to everyone who took the time to show our CARE values of ENGAGEMENT by dressing up.
Well done also, to the students who entered the CRC Writing Competition. There was so many creative stories, it was very hard for the CRC and Shire of Mukinbudin staff to choose some prize winners!
The students who were deemed 'Best Dressed', along with the CRC Writing Competition winners were rewarded with very generous Book Fair vouchers, great work!
Pyjama Day- PBS Whole School Reward
On Friday 26th May, the WHOLE School was rewarded for filling up the 'Respect' sheep tag gauge. The students put forward plenty of ideas for potential rewards, and the majority decided on Pyjama Day. It was the perfect day to wear uggies, slipppers and dressing gowns to school, as it was freezing outside! It was great to see so many staff and students engaging in this whole school reward. What will be the next choice from the students?!
Footy Clinics
In week 4, Our students from Kindy-Year 10, along with Trayning & Nungarin Primary Schools participated in some Football clinics. The focus of the clinics being team participation and overcoming challenges. The students had the opportunity to practice some football skills and all took home a Rick 'The Rock' Eagle cape, and a Dockers and Eagles poster. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all the students, and we're extremely grateful to have the opportunity to participate in these clinics.
Junior Development Day
In week 4, our Year 3-6 students headed to Bencubbin to participate in the annual Junior Development Day, where they develop skills across three winter sports: netball, hockey and football. Another busy day for our Primary students, but it's great that we have the opportunity to attend these clinics.
Please see the latest Canteen Menu. Mrs Tilly has added home made ham and cheese pizzas to the menu seeing as they cant be sourced at present. **Please note that there will be NO CANTEEN on Friday 16th June**
Home Ec Helpers on Fridays
Mrs Louwen is still looking for any parents/ grandparents to assist with Home Ec. on a Friday. The Year 6-10 students have Home Ec. classes on Fridays from 9am. If you are able to assist in any way, please contact the school.