A word from the Principal

Mrs Danielle Heatley

Education Week - Open Night TONIGHT 5:30pm

As this newsletter goes live, we should be just about to open our school for Education Week Open Night. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents and families to come and see our classrooms and highlight the programs we provide students across the school.  It will be an opportunity to see our specialists in action and meet Archie our Wellbeing dog! 

Take a walk around to all the classroom to collect the letters in each room to crack the code and go in the draw for a prize.  I look forward to seeing our community come together tonight to celebrate Education Week at Karoo! 

Cyber Safety Night: Raising Children in a Digital World - Wed 7th June @ 7pm

We are delighted to announce an upcoming event that focuses on an essential aspect of our children's lives in today's digital age. In collaboration with Inform and Empower, we are hosting a "Cyber Safety Night: Raising Children in a Digital World." This event aims to equip parents and guardians with valuable knowledge and practical tips to ensure our children's safety in the online realm.


In this rapidly advancing technological era, our children are exposed to an array of digital platforms and devices. While the digital world brings numerous benefits, it also presents unique challenges and potential risks. It is crucial for us, as responsible adults, to foster an environment that nurtures safe and responsible internet usage for our children.


During this interactive event, Marty and Carly (Inform and Empower) will address various aspects of cyber safety, offering insights and advice on how to navigate the digital landscape while keeping our children protected. 


Our goal is to empower parents and guardians with the necessary tools to guide our children in their digital journeys. By fostering open and supportive conversations about cyber safety, we can create a safe online environment for our school community.

To ensure your place, please register for this event bit.ly/karoo2023by Monday 5th June. We believe that by working together and sharing knowledge, we can help our children navigate the digital world with confidence and resilience.

“Parents have an important part to play in role modelling a positive approach to using screens and assisting young people to navigate the content they watch.”

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg

Working Bee - Saturday 3rd June 12:30pm

Our wonderful School Council - Building and Grounds committee have scheduled our first Working Bee of 2023 which will be held on Saturday 3rd June, between 12:30pm – 3:00 pm. We had a fantastic turnout at our last Working Bee, and the effort put in by families who attended produced incredible results. This Working Bee will focus on the front entrance of the school (off Karoo Road) and we hope lots of families can make it.  Working Bees really make a positive impact on the school’s buildings and grounds and build our school pride. 

BYO leaf blowers, spades/shovels, garden forks, gloves, etc.

A complimentary BBQ will be provided to finish off the day!  

Year 6 Camp - THANKYOU! 

Last week our Year 6 students, 4 teachers and 6 wonderful parents headed off to The Ranch for their unforgettable camp experience.  They had perfect weather for the flying fox, giant swing, horse riding, hut building and memory making.  Ms Kuusela and I were lucky enough to visit for a day each and the smiles were so evident from everyone! 

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the staff (Shelley Williams, Claire Moyle, Robyn Harris and Cass Blonik) who contributed their time away from their own families, lack of sleep overnight but continued unwavering enthusiasm to make this camp experience a success. A huge thankyou to the parent helpers (Ben Gilbert, Justin Spencer, Daniel Lawler, Adrian Brennan, Chris May, Chris Vallance) who were phenomenal in their support over the camp.  Your dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and we are extremely grateful for your contributions.


Have a wonderful week, 


Danielle Heatley
