Whole School Performance

The St. Joseph’s School Production 2023 will be on



The school is buzzing as we have commenced rehearsals and preparation for this year’s School Production.  Every child in every year level is involved!


Thank you to the many parents who have offered their assistance.  We had our first Parent Helper’s Committee Meeting last week and it was fabulous to see the enthusiasm and support from our wonderful families.  If you would like to be involved in assisting with props, costumes, or simply just being part of this process, please email me on julie.finn@sjsorrento.catholic.edu.au


Following auditions across Y 4 to 6, we have a cast of 24 main characters, 12 of which have speaking parts.  Congratulations to all of the students who tried out.  You were all very brave and we were proud of you for ‘having a go’!  Our cast now have their scripts and they are working together scene by scene weekly to learn their lines and increase their acting abilities. The commitment from our students has been fantastic and their teamwork and support of each other is an absolute joy to watch.


Each year level has been learning songs and actions as part of their performing arts lessons and we are looking forward to putting all of this together next term.