Religious Dimension

Grandparents and Special Friends Morning

On Wednesday the 24th of May we held our annual Grandparents Day. Students and their grandparents or special friends came together to celebrate mass in the morning, before heading off to the classrooms to participate in an activity together. 

The activity was aimed at students learning more about their grandparents or special friends' as well as showing them their classroom and playing a game. 

It was very special to have so many families join us for the day. The students were all very excited and proud to have their families with them at school.


National Sorry Day

Last week we gathered for National Sorry Day to acknowledge and recognise members of the Stolen Generation and the mistreatment of Indigenous Australians. 

We encourage you to pray the Aboriginal Creed at home:

We believe in God, creator and sustainer of life, 

creator of the black woman and the white woman, 

of the black man and the white man,

of the woman who is not quite black and not quite white,

of the man who is not quite white and not quite black.

We believe in God, the Creator

Who gave us the desert pea and the flowering gum,

The Murray cod and the platypus,

The Southern Cross and the Milky Way.

We believe in God,

who gave us a land to keep, to reverence and to cultivate.

We believe in Jesus, born of a woman

Who was not quite black and not quite white,

A woman who was not quite sure of who she was or who she was to be,

A woman who faithfully struggled to believe.

We believe in Jesus – risen,

Liberator of all humanity, Emmanuel, God-with-us, God-for-us.

We, women and men of the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit.