Careers Update

WOW, it’s a busy time in the careers space since returning from the school holidays. We have had lots of events, programs and exciting things happening. As always, we encourage students to participate in events offered to help decision making regarding their future pathways. By participating, this allows students to gain insight and have experiences, which will assist with making informed decisions. Even if students participate and discover this is not for them then that is a positive outcome. Do not be scared to give it a go, you never know what you could discover!
VCE Camp
On Wednesday 3rd May 100 students and staff attended the 2023 VCE camp which ran for 3 days. We visited 5 Universities/Registered Training Organisations and the VCE Careers Expo to discover possible pathways for their career planning. The focus was to allow students to explore and understand the different options for potential course selections and career prospects beyond Year 12.
The Universities/Registered Training Organisations conducted detailed presentations about courses, benefits and supports they offer. Students also took part in campus tours and briefings about entry requirements.
We also visited Australia’s largest VCE Careers Expo which had over 150 exhibitors including providers of employment, apprenticeship, and training opportunities. Students were given free time at the Expo to research and gain resources from the stalls and ask questions involving their pathway options.
It wasn’t all hard work, and once we finished the important stuff, we had time to relax and spend time together. Each night we went out for dinner, one of the nights we dined at an American style rock and roll café. The night ended with all our students and staff dancing along with the café staff to some music classics. It was great! We also went to the movies and on our second night we played arcade games, laser tag and ten pin bowling. It was a good balance of work and play for our students.
Morrisby Careers Assessments
During May our Year 9 students sat the first stage of the ‘My career insights’. Students begin with Morrisby, the online discovery tool designed to help them learn more about themselves – their values, preferences and skills – giving them a better understanding of where their strengths lie. These personal insights help open a variety of possible career pathways, specifically tailored to who they are. The next stage is to share what they have discovered. All students who have sat the first stage will have a 30 minute one on one appointment with an independent career counsellor to discuss their ideas and thoughts. This discussion will help them to set realistic goals and start putting actions in place.Beginning on Tuesday 11th July until Tuesday 18th July students will be scheduled (show on their compass schedule) to attend a 30-minute session. Parents/Guardians are most welcome to attend the session with the student. These will be conducted in our library space.
ATU (Advance to University)
Congratulations to Georgia Hoare, Ashley Paul and Kira-Lee Styles for successfully completing their Semester One work requirements in the Advance to University program. It’s a great achievement to be undertaking a university program while completing your VCE. Well done!
TAFE Taster day
Try it, Like it, TAFE it – Taster Days
TAFE Gippsland ran a taster day for local secondary schools in the last week of May. Our Year 10 students were given the opportunity to attend the taster day to experience a particular industry they were interested in. We had students participate in Engineering, Automotive and Photography. Students worked with TAFE staff to have a taste of the specific industry. The students really enjoyed the experience.
Health Industry Tour
In conjunction with the Baw Baw Latrobe LLEN, selected students attended a Health Industry tour to Heritage Manor Aged Care and Maryvale Private Hospital. Our students had a fabulous day, which started with a tour of Heritage Manor. Students also heard from different Aged Care staff about their roles and careers in the Health sector. The residents really enjoyed having the students mingle and have morning tea with them. Our tour then moved on to Maryvale Private Hospital, which included a rotating session in the clinical training room. Students were able to understand the technical mechanics in moving patients, performing CPR, using a stethoscope to listen to patients breathing and look at surgical equipment. Students were then given a tour of the hospital, which included the wards, surgical theatres, consulting rooms and nursing stations. Our tour concluded with an information session with guest speakers from Maryvale Hospital, Heritage Manor, and Ambulance Victoria. What a great opportunity for our students to discover the array of different career pathways within the Health Industry.
TIS (Tertiary Information Services)
On 15th May our Year 12 students attended the Gippsland Tertiary Information session held at Federation University Gippsland Campus. Students listened to a presentation about VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre), supports for students attending university, and general VTAC information. At the conclusion of the presentation students were able to talk with university and TAFE representatives about courses and entry requirements.
Careers Week
To celebrate Careers Week, 'Headstart' held a School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship information session for our Year 9-12 students. Students listened to the benefits of the program and how students apply.
A huge thank you too Aaron and Pat from 'Headstart' for hosting this session.
Work Experience
In Year 10, students will undertake a work experience program as part of their multipurpose work education class. It is expected that all Year 10 students will participate in this 5-day program.
Below is the date of Lowanna’s work experience program:Term 3 – Monday 24th July to Friday 28th July (inclusive)
Work experience is a one-week placement where students will gain insights into the industry and the workplace in which they are located. It provides students with a valuable opportunity to develop employability skills, explore possible career options, understand employer expectations, and increase their self-understanding, maturity, independence, and self-confidence.
Work experience students are with employers primarily to observe and learn – not to undertake activities which require extensive training or expertise.
Students are required to source their own work experience placement. Doing this, provides students with a wonderful opportunity to develop their communication skills, initiative and ‘real world’ experiences. Should students have any issues or difficulties in gaining a work experience placement they can be supported through this by teachers and careers staff.
Once students have found a placement, the documentation process can begin. Teachers and Careers staff will step students through this process.
Please discuss work experience placement with your child and encourage them to ‘have a go’ at calling and speaking with employers.
All work experience arrangement forms must be returned to the Careers team by Tuesday 13th June, otherwise students will not be able to participate. Should students not make a Work Experience arrangement, then the expectation is students will attend school as usual.
Part Time Work
Are you looking for part time work? Do you need help with your resume?
We can help you, so come and see us in the Careers room.
Below are some links of businesses that you can apply:
Coles -
IGA supermarkets -
Woolworths -
McDonalds -
Kmart -
Kentucky Fried Chicken -
Hungry Jacks -
Bunnings -
Careers Support
We are available as a support for students and parents with any questions or queries you have. Please feel free to contact the Careers team:
Kirsty Mitchell ph: 5127 9225 or
Alisha Disisto ph: 5127 9264 or