Around the Grounds

Congratulations Bruce!
The second ever annual House Performing Arts at Huntingtower has just wrapped up. This afternoon in the PAC we were treated to incredible musical and theatrical performances as each house battled it out on stage to win the judges decision.
Hot off the press:
Final scores - Bruce (1st), Mather (2nd), Rayner (3rd), Warrell (4th)
Well done to everyone involved in this exciting event. 2023 is the second year that Huntingtower has held HPA (formerly House Music). Preparations for today began back in October and the staff and student leaders scarified a huge amount of time putting everything together, resulting in brilliant shows by the entire Secondary School.
Indonesian Staff Study Tour
During Easter break, a group of Huntingtower teachers, Mr Houghton and the Indonesian Department team went to Indonesia for a week to strengthen the relationship with our sister school, Dwiwarna, in Bogor and to experience cultural activities and places where VCE students and Year 9 would be visiting next year in 2024.
The teachers and Mr Houghton went to Jakarta, Bogor and Jogjakarta cities. We enjoyed our visit to Bogor botanical garden, Safari Park at Cisarua, Miniature of Indonesia in Jakarta and the world-famous Hindu and Buddhist temples in Jogjakarta. We valued all the language and cultural activities such as cooking, jewellery making, practising Indonesian with local people, sightseeing and exploring local areas with ‘becak’.
We are looking forward to running 2 trips next year, the VCE Indonesian to Jakarta and Bogor and Year 9 Indonesian to Jogjakarta.
Timi Ardiyanti
Head of Indonesian
Food Studies
Our Middle School students have been busy gaining some cooking experience in their Food Studies classes, here are the Year 7s with freshly made burgers and wedges:
And the Year 8s preparing a range of healthy food dishes that are suitable for options in school canteens:
Mrs Jayne Dickson
Head of Food Studies
Year 11 AME Exhibitions
As part of their Art Making & Exhibiting Unit 1 & Unit 2 studies, students experienced a variety of exhibitions gaining insight into Australian historic and contemporary artists, Exhibition Planning, and the art of curatorial selection.
Exhibitions included the NGV Australia, MELBOURNE NOW (first nations focus),
Top Arts Introduction and Exhibition and The Australian Collection, including exhibition Education talks.
Mrs Marion Power
Head of Art