Chaplain's Corner 







The Great Feast of Pentecost

It has been a very busy term with some very special events. I have been blessed to be a part of all these. I would like to thank all who helped and supported these great events and our students who participated. I wanted to share with you some information about the Great Feast of Pentecost 


After His Resurrection, Christ remained with His disciples for forty days, appearing to them on different occasions. On the fortieth day, while blessing them, He ascended into heaven (Holy Ascension, celebrated forty days after Pascha, on the Thursday of the sixth post-Resurrection week).


Christ had promised His disciples that, after ascending into heaven, He would ask the Father to send down the Holy Spirit (Parakletos, or Comforter) to guide the disciples into “all truth” (John 16:13). This descent of the Holy Spirit is commemorated on Holy Pentecost. On that day, the Church celebrates Her foundation on Earth as the Body of Christ.


Holy Pentecost, one of the 12 Great Feasts of the Church, is also known as the Feast of the Holy Trinity, as it constitutes the third revelation of the Holy Trinity – the other two being the Baptism and the Transfiguration of Christ. It falls on the eighth Sunday after Pascha, the fiftieth day from the Resurrection of our Lord.


On Pentecost Sunday, a Vespers service is conducted (straight after the Divine Liturgy) that includes the kneeling prayers. Here is a link to the prayers so that you may be able to follow with your families. 


One prayer, among all the prayers of the Orthodox Church, is addressed to the Holy Spirit, and this is the prayer “O Heavenly King”. This prayer is also suspended after Pascha. It is re-introduced on the Vespers on Pentecost Sunday.


The week following Pentecost Sunday is a non-fasting week when all foods are consumed on all days with no restriction.


May the Holy Spirit guide and enlighten each of you and your families.


Fr Stavros Kakavas 

School Chaplian and Parish Priest of Sts Anargiri