VIC Kids Eat Well

We’re on a mission to improve our food and drink environment.

Exciting news! Delacombe Primary School is part of the new Vic Kids Eat Well movement. This state-wide movement is focused on transforming the food and drink environments where kids spend their time including schools. All Victorian kids deserve access to healthy and delicious food in places where they learn and play.  Boosting healthy and delicious food and drink options at school can improve kids’ concentration, mood, memory, learning, academic performance and mental wellbeing and give them the fuel they need to thrive. 


Not only does this initiative have enormous health benefits for our students but the school earns rewards for implementing changes.  These changes are called small bites and the more bites you achieve the bigger the rewards.


So what does this mean for Delacombe Primary? Here is a snapshot of a couple of planned changes:

  • A review/audit of our canteen menu is a good starting point.  We are looking to make some small changes with what is currently being offered, for example replacing fruit boxes (which is reconstituted juice) with actual fruit juice, rethinking cakes and biscuits being offered, swapping fried foods for oven baked/air fried, reducing number of pastries and increasing vegetable/salad content.  Don’t panic, we are not looking at scrapping our current menu all together, it’s just minor adjustments. 
  • Moving our fundraising towards more such as; colour runs, trivia nights, dress up days, raffles etc. 


We will be promoting Vic Kids Eat Well on our school website and via our Facebook page so please keep an eye out for it. You can also check out the posters in the stadium and office foyer which we received from Vic Kids Eat Well headquarters to acknowledge our commitment to healthy eating. And lastly our school newsletter will include some scrumptious snack and lunch recipes which you may like to try for some variety for the lunchbox.