Students in our junior year levels have been exploring their identity, through different mediums of art. Our Grade Preps have been reflecting on what it is about them that is unique, and what makes them special. The Grade 2s have been developing their sketching skills and creating A3 sized self-portraits. It is wonderful to hear students articulate so clearly what is about themselves that they think is special!


“My giggle, it makes people smile” ~ Charlie A Prep D

“My drawing skills are pretty good and I am kind” ~ Kody L Gr 2A

“My mum says I give the best cuddles” ~ Tanner D Prep D


Our middle and senior students have been exploring the fascinating world of the jungle! Students have been using a variety of artistic methods and styles to create their very own jungles. Using the donated cereal boxes (thank you!) the Grade 5 & 6 students have created their own animal stencils and used quite a bit of perseverance to carefully cut the outline of their animals out. Whilst the Grade 3 & 4 students have used their sketching skills to create their own jungle scenes, with the focus of layering their artwork, to create the perception of depth. We look forward to sharing some completed artworks in a later edition of the newsletter.


Take care and stay warm,

Mrs S