Senior School


Students are harvesting their food during garden classes and cooking some amazing meals in the kitchen. This week's menu included a range of dishes of Greek origin.


National eSmart Week

Last week was National eSmart Week. As an accredited eSmart school, we constantly take part in activities promoting online safety.


Some topics being focused on this term are:

  • What you can do and say to be positive online 
  • How to use technology purposefully  
  • How to use your agency to influence change in the online environment.


WESA Cross Country

Congratulations to all our senior students that represented our school at the WESA Cross Country last week. It was a challenging and soggy course that our runners took on and the results were impressive. Many students improved on their results from last year. Congratulations to Deniz (2nd), Tiasha (12th) and Leela (1st) on qualifying for the Division Cross Country. An amazing performance!