A Word from the Principal 

Ms Kylie Campbell

A Warm Welcome to our Weeden Heights Community

A warm welcome to our community

Brrr....welcome to Winter everyone!  I have noticed a quite a few families in the office purchasing our Weeden Heights PS beanie.  They are a great addition to the school uniform. Don’t forget the WHPS maroon spray jackets are a fabulous way to stay warm as they cut out the wind and breeze.    We also have WHPS sleeveless vests for extra warmth in our uniform collection.  The beanies can be purchased from our office if you are interested and the spray jacket and sleeveless vest are available at the uniform supplier’s shop.  


School Review

Weeden Heights PS is due for a school review this year.  Schools go through a review every four years and they are a wonderful opportunity to look at the progress of the school for the life of a strategic plan.  It also gives the school direction for the next four years based on the current data.


We will be consulting with the community and the students to reflect on our achievements and where parents would like to see the school head. We have done incredibly well with the first two years of our strategic plan during remote learning, last year as a recovery year and this year with capital works.  It will be an interesting school review!  Please stay tuned for further information as our review is in term four however, we will begin seeking feedback soon. 


Capital Works Update

Our building works is back on the move and asbestos removal on the weekends has now been completed.  There has been a lot of movement in the old administration block area preparing for the rebuild.  Each fortnight I attend site meetings to keep up to date with what is happening.  The teacher office in the junior corridor is on the way to being completed and they are moving forward with the junior school toilets.  I hope to have some photos soon to share through the newsletter so stay tuned. 


Attitudes to School Survey

We value student voice at Weeden Heights because it is a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction. Students in years 4, 5 and 6 completed the Attitudes to School Survey last week. By completing the survey, the school is able to identify what students think, believe and how they feel about their learning, peers, teachers and Weeden Heights PS. 


The Attitudes to School survey is an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education and Training to assist schools in gaining an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. Our school will use the survey results to plan programs and activities to improve your child's schooling experience.


The survey is completed online during school hours and all responses from each student are confidential. 


Cold, Flu and Covid reminders

With the arrival of the colder weather there is an increase of colds, COVID and flu at this time of year. Whilst we understand that students want to attend school, it is important that they stay at home even if their symptoms are mild, and do not return to school until they are completely well. If your child presents at school with coughs and sniffles, it places all students and staff at risk.


COVID is back in the school community as well.  Please take note of the following reminders to help us manage COVID at school:

  • If your child is unwell and is experiencing and COVID like symptoms such as a cough, headache, runny nose and fever, test for COVID and keep them at home until they are feeling better
  • If your child tests positive, please inform the school ASAP. It is recommended they isolate at home for 5 days after testing positive, or until they test negative and are symptom free
  • If a family member has COVID, please send your child to school wearing a mask to minimise any potential spread
  • If you require any additional RAT kits, please contact the school office
  • If you are concerned about COVID in the school community, you are welcome to send your child to school wearing a mask.

Enrolments for 2024 : Sibling enrolments

For the first time,  the Department of Education has introduced a new process for school parents to enrol students in state government primary schools.  All families must have submitted an enrolment application for Prep by Friday 28 July 2023

Schools will notify parents of the outcome of the application by Friday 11 August 2023. Parents will receive an enrolment offer and should accept the offer by Friday 25 August 2023.

We would really appreciate if our Weeden Heights families with pre schoolers coming to school in 2024, could fill in their enrolment forms and submit them to our office.  We know that there are a few families out there who have not yet enrolled. If you have neighbours starting school next year, please let them know about the final dates and send them to our office for an enrolment form and a tour. 


Schools do have zones  however, Weeden Heights is in a position to take students from out of our zoned area as we sit on a very large school site. Please encourage friends and neighbours to take a look at Weeden Heights PS.  Our highly successful Bright Beginnings transition program commences at the end of term 3  and we do not want our future students to miss the opportunity to attend.  Please contact either Kerryn or Cindy in the office and collect an enrolment form for your pre-schooler. The enrolment form is also available from the website. Thank you. 


Until next time……

Kylie Campbell


Futures are Bright at Weeden Heights!