Principal's Page

Lou Corso


I am delighted to confirm that Heathmont East Primary School will receive $5.44 million to upgrade our school. We will work closely with our School Council and the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) to deliver an outcome that will benefit the entire community and get the best outcomes for all our students. To prepare for the upgrade, we will complete an Asset Management Plan (AMP) over the next few months. The AMP is a long-term document that helps to plan for a school’s future. The plan identifies, organises, and prioritises the building works required at a school – ensuring students have access to educational facilities that prepare them to thrive in the 21st century. This will help ensure our building plans support our educational direction and long-term vision for the school. More information will come out over the next few months.




It was wonderful to see so many visitors in the school for our HEPS Open Night to celebrate Education Week. The dance-off was certainly a huge winner. It was fantastic to see so many students showcasing their dance moves at the same time. There was so much to see and do including the cake stall, book fair, choir, busking, scavenger hunt and so many fun classroom activities. Thank you to everyone that attended and to the teachers and ES staff that gave up their time to be present on the night. 



If you have a child starting primary school in 2024, it’s time to enrol. Please submit your enrolment application by Friday 28 July 2023. If you are enrolling the sibling of a student at our school for Foundation in 2024, and both children will be attending our school at the same time, your child is prioritised for a place at our school. Enrolling your child now allows us to plan our classrooms, staffing and transition activities and ensures your child has the best start to school. Foundation enrolment packs are available in the foyer at the school office.



In Anita’s absence, I am filling the role of Principal at HEPS. Kristen Bulfin (Foundation & Learning Specialist) has stepped into my role as Assistant Principal until the end of the Term. Jenna Jorgensen has stepped into Mrs. Bulfin’s classroom. Also, I am pleased to announce Carolyn Brickwell will join the HEPS community again teaching 5KV after Kelly Veness picked up an ongoing position at Tulliallan Primary School. We wish Kelly all the best at her new school.



The staff at HEPS are currently busy writing Semester 1 reports. These reports provide a great overview of students’ progress based on a number of assessments and classroom observations over the course of Semester 1.

Parents can access the reports via Compass on Thursday 22 June. We encourage you to save a digital version of your child's report to access at a later date; this is especially important for our Level 6 students as they transition to high school.



National Reconciliation Week runs from 27th May - to 3rd June. The theme is ‘Be a Voice For Generations.’  This theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives where we live, work and socialise. National Reconciliation Week is a great time to reflect on our shared cultures, history and explore how to continue to build the reconciliation process in Australia. Throughout this week, students have been participating in activities related to this topic.



Lou Corso