The HEPS 2023 Open Night was a lovely night for the whole school community, with music performances spread far and wide around the school. We had over 60 performers around the school, as well as our choir open rehearsal. The students did an amazing job, demonstrating all the HEPS values during their performances. Feedback has been amazing, and they all deserve a huge applause for their work! Performing is an important part of a student’s education, teaching dedication, determination, resilience, discipline and motor skills. Did you know that research shows that learning music is amazing for the development of student’s executive functions? Learning music creates strong neural pathways between a child’s auditory, visual and motor cortexes in their brain, leading to greater capacity for learning in all areas. How cool is that? Music is AWESOME!


Our production for 2023 is coming up fast, with the announcement to be made on Friday the 9th June. Grade 6 auditions for main roles and Grade 5 understudies will be in week 9 of school (20th-22nd June) and the cast announced on the last Friday of term! 

Dates for production are: Surnames A-L Monday 16th October, Surnames M-Z Tuesday 17th October. 


Hope you’re all having a groovy term! 

Miss Austin





Instrumental Music Lessons


Hello parents! 

Hope you've all had a wonderful start to the year. If your child is interested in learning an instrument in private lessons this year please submit an expression of interest in this website: Each of our teachers are independent contractors, meaning prices and timetabling requirements will vary. Submitting an EOI will allow the teachers to contact you to discuss details. Thanks!



Emma Austin

Performing Arts Teacher