Foundation Unit

In Reading, students have been practising making text to self and text to text connections in books that they have read. They have also been practising making predictions before reading a text and while reading a text. Finally, the students have also been looking for WOW words in texts to add to their own writing. 


In Writing, students have begun writing Personal Narratives. They have written pieces about what they did on the weekend and a time when they have hurt themselves. 

In Maths, the students have started looking at Location. We have been looking at words such as in front, behind, under, above, inside and outside.

In Science, students have continued to look at living things and what they need to survive. Here are some facts that students heard when reading about koalas and emus and what they need to survive. 

As winter is now well and truly here, many students are coming in after recess or lunch a little bit wet and muddy. We strongly suggest students have an extra change of clothes in their bag just in case they slip and fall and need to change. Students are welcome to wear gumboots to school during wet weather. 

We are also finding as students are taking their jumpers off, many are not named. Please write your child's name on all jumpers and coats so they can be easily reunited with their owner! Thank you!

Foundation Teachers

Courtney Lawrence/Alison Meggs, Sally Quinn, Libby Cannon