Parents and Friends Association

PFA Cake Stall - Thank you!

Were you able to buy some goodies at the PFA Cake Stall on Monday? With a throng of customers at 3.30pm it was all sold out in under 30mins! WOW! We are very grateful to everyone who supported this fundraiser by baking, purchasing or volunteering. A real community effort - thank you! The PFA are pleased to advise that a total of $901 was raised. Money raised goes towards school equipment, upgrades and supplies.

Parent Drinks RSL

Unfortunately there have only been 4 tickets sold for the Parent event planned for the 18th of June. It was necessary to make the difficult decision at the PFA meeting to cancel this event, as we would not be able to cover the cost of the venue hire and bar staff. Ticket holders have been contacted. 


Dates for your Diary

PFA Meetings: 11th July, 1st August, 5th September, 3rd October. Various locations - 7 for 7.30pm. Everyone is very welcome! Email for the month’s meeting location.

Saturday 12th August: Pie Drive Through - Country Cob Bakery have generously agreed to partner with us for this fundraiser. Orders on Qkr! next term. 

Student Movie Nights are returning to WPS! Pizza, popcorn and a movie. Session times as follows: 


Friday 18th August - Junior Unit 3.40-6.00pm, Carlsruhe Unit 6.30-8.45pm

Friday 25th August - Middle Unit 3.40-6.00pm, Senior Unit 6.30-8.45pm


Facebook Pages 

There are two pages you may like to join - one run by the School Office, and one for Parents and Friends of WPS. Here are the links to join: - Woodend Primary School - Woodend Primary School 

Parents and Friends Community (You must answer the membership questions so that we can establish your connection to the school)

Thank you,



PFA Communications and Class Rep Liaison

Monique Ho