Deputy Principal's Message

It was wonderful to see so many students, parents and families enjoying the Multicultural Food Fair last week. Thank you to everyone who attended and particularly to our fantastic P&C and vendors who were integral in making the event such a success!  

Camp Quality's Cancer Education Puppet Show

This Friday 2 June, students in K-2 and 3-6 will experience a cancer education program in the form of a fun and interactive puppet show. The program focuses on telling the broader cancer story, including how to support someone who is facing their own cancer diagnosis or that of a loved one. The program has been developed in consultation with experts in the health and education sectors and helps to facilitate conversations about cancer in an age-appropriate way. 


The shows explore themes relevant to the cancer experience, including:

  • - you can’t catch cancer from someone else
  • - treatments and side-effects of cancer
  • - how to be supportive of someone facing cancer and
  • - the importance of recognising our own strengths and the power of positivity.

There is no cost to students; however, a gold coin donation will be collected on the day for those who would like to donate to the Camp Quality charity.


For more information, please visit the Camp Quality Education Program website.

Wonder Recycling Rewards

Thank you to all students and families who have been bringing in their bread bags to recycle as part of the SRC's Wonder Recycling Rewards program. We have already filled one box and are not far from filling a second, meaning that we're well on the way to accumulating a decent amount of rewards points to redeem for new playground and sporting equipment. 


Please remember that all bags should be as free from crumbs as they can be to keep the recycling process free from contamination (there is no need to wash them).


We can keep collecting right up until the last day of Term 2, Friday 30 June, so please continue to bring in your bags to place in the box in the office or outside the Special Programs Room. 


All students are invited to a 'winter wonderland' themed disco on the evening of Thursday 15 June. Funds raised will contribute to lowering the cost of major excursions. 


Kindergarten & Stage 1 - 5:00-6:00 PM - $5 entry, including glow stick.

Stage 2 - 6:00-7:30 PM - $10 entry, pizza slice and juice popper included.

Stage 3 - 7:00-8:30 PM - $10 entry, pizza slice and juice popper included


Lana Howlett

Deputy Principal