Around the College

# The Laudato Si Rubbish Pick-Up Competition: Making a Difference One Piece at a Time - Mr. Blencowe


In an impressive show of environmental responsibility, students gathered for the Laudato Si rubbish pick-up competition this week. Inspired by Pope Francis's call to care for our common home, this event held during lunchtime was a testament to the power of collective action and the impact each one of us can make.


Meeting outside the canteen near the senior school, participants teamed up with a common goal: to make our school a cleaner, greener place to learn and grow.


The result was outstanding – 12 garbage bags of rubbish were collected! This significant achievement highlights the difference we can make when we unite and take responsibility for our environment. The collected waste has now been responsibly disposed of, making our school a more pleasant and eco-friendly place for us all.


We're excited to announce our winners who exemplified remarkable effort and dedication: Andrew and Bristo, Aaron and Julien, and the Year 12 Dragon Trust. Each team will receive a $10 canteen voucher as a token of our gratitude. Winners, please see Mr. Blencowe to collect your well-earned rewards.


The success of this event was largely due to the diligent work and leadership provided by our Year 10 Youth Ministry group. A special round of applause goes to Jasmine, Keira, Faith, and Kahlyn for their dedication to fostering a sense of community and environmental responsibility.


The Laudato Si rubbish pick-up competition was not just a clean-up activity; it was a manifestation of our shared commitment to the environment. We hope to continue fostering this sense of responsibility and remind everyone that every action, no matter how small, can contribute to a cleaner, greener planet.


We look forward to seeing even more students participating in our future green initiatives. Until then, let's each do our part in keeping our school and our Earth clean.


Soccer Clinic

Thanks to Beth Milkins who came in and ran some soccer clinics for our students! 


SSV Cross Country - Gippsland Region at Drouin on 1 June 2023

Congratulations to Mattea, Julia, Maya and Claudia who won the Under 14 Gippsland Cross Country Team Title! Well done girls!

Congratulations to Alexie, Luella and Maeve for coming second in the Under 16 Gippsland Cross Country Team Title!! Well done girls!


Congratulations Jack who came third in the 17-20 category! 

Liam, Max, Cullen and Diesel came 3rd in the Under 16 Gippsland Cross Country Team Title!


Year 8 Theatre Performance - Ms. Joanna Jacobs

Our Year 8 Students have been working on Japanese theatre performances.


Reconciliation Week 2023 - Mrs. Laura Muranty

Last week Mary MacKillop students celebrated Reconciliation Week by acknowledging the importance of First Nations people, history and culture. Students and staff were invited to contribute to the making of a decorated kangaroo cloak. Students explored the meaning of reconciliation in our school and community and came up with designs and symbols that reflect our ongoing commitment to meaningful change. Every day in the library during Reconciliation Week, different students contributed by drawing and burning designs onto kangaroo skins. Once completed the four skins will be sewn to make a cloak to be used for significant days and celebrations. 


Furthermore, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous students at Mary MacKillop came together to form a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) team. The volunteer students shared their voices and ideas around topics and issues relating to recommendations for a better-reconciled future for First Nations Australians. Throughout the year they will work in consultation with Sonia Weston, a Yowenjerra/Yalluk Bulluk local woman who aims to support our school to foster a higher level of knowledge and pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, and contributions.



WISDOM - Mrs. Laura Muranty

Students in Year 11 and 12 Theatre Studies class performed the Australian contemporary play, Wisdom, to a Year 8 audience last week. The dystopian-themed play incorporated elements of Black Comedy and Eclectic Theatre to tell the story of Lu Augustine, a rebellious teenager who stands up to the Government. In the not-so-distant future, Australia has revolutionised the aging process. Now thanks to an injection called Wisdom, all teenagers cease to grow physically older than 16 years old. However, flaws in the drug are exposed and teenagers begin to stand up against their controlling government.


Year 8’s were chosen to watch the play as part of their English curriculum, which incorporates units of work on Dystopian concepts and Persuasive Advertising and Language Techniques. Wisdom is told through the debating discussions of a chorus who watch various live footage and videos of the rebellious teenagers as they navigate their way in the futuristic world. Students and teachers in the audience were highly engaged by the play. 


Year 9 Maths - Ms Lisa Hogan

Year 9 playing probability games!


Robotics Workshop - Mr. Edson Letendrie

Students James Montgomery and Taj Norwood participated in a Robotics Workshop that lasted 6 months. Each of them was provided with a Robot and they received online training to code their robots to play soccer. 


Last Monday, 5th June 2023, was the culmination of the workshop, we met with other schools in the Gippsland area and they had their robots play a few rounds of soccer against each other. 


Both students received a certificate of completion for this workshop!

Taj and James
Taj and James


SSV Soccer 

Year 9 and 10 boys - Mr. Edson Letendrie

Our Year 9 and 10 boys played Soccer on Wednesday and won all the 3 matches. They are through for the next round.

Year 9 girls - Mrs. Laura Kew

Our Year 9 girls won three out of four of their games! 


Year 11 Work placements

A huge thank you to all businesses who support our students with Work Placements or Work Experience! 

Milli with Maskell Constructions
Bailey with Cozzio Constructions
Milli with Maskell Constructions
Bailey with Cozzio Constructions


Year 10 Sport and Recreation - Mrs. Claire Cassidy

Our Year 7 students participated in a sports clinic designed and run by our Year 10 Sport and Recreation students