Year 9 News

Maddy McQueen & Joanne Merryfull | Year 9 Coordinators

Year 9 Health & PE – SEPEP Tournament 

The following match reports have been written by Mr Murphy’s Year 9 Health & PE class, after they had recently participated in a round-robin SEPEP tournament. 

Well done to all students who were involved in the four-week tournament and for showing great initiative and leadership qualities. 

Also, a big thank you to Ange Watson for your excellent photography! 

SEPEP Grand Final – Brayden McDonald 

It was a great grand final game against ‘The Smurphs’ and The Giants’. Both teams have won 4 games and they've played Netball, Tchoukball, Indoor Soccer and Basketball. For the final a game of Netball will be played, it was a very close game with ‘The Smurphs’ starting off strong, meanwhile ‘The Giants’ started off slow, but the ‘The Giants’ started to make a comeback. 

At the end of the first half it was ‘The Giants’ on 7 points meanwhile ‘The Smurphs’ were on 8 points both teams swapped ends and both teams were wanting to win, the ball was flying down both ends of the court. In the end ‘The Giants’ came out on top with 14 points whilst ‘The Smurphs’ scored 12 points, both teams played very well.

The Big Finale – Danielle Grainger 

It was the final match, the grand finale. Luca and Lani were head-to-head against each other in the centre – ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ was how they decided who got the first centre pass and Luca won. Giants started with the ball and quickly threw it down the court, the whistle went, unfortunately Nash had stepped. 

The Smurfs had a chance to get the first goal of the final, they chucked the ball down the court, but Giants defence was on point, Freya launched herself in front of Will and snatched the ball in the air. The Giants got the ball back into possession and scored their first goal of the round, Nash was so happy that he high-fives Brayden in the air. 

Eventually Smurfs got their first goal, and Will was their leading scorer for their team with 9 goals, Giants on the other hand had Brayden and Nash shooting and who knew that Brayden was so good at shooting, he had shot 11 goals in the end, with Nash scoring 3. Lani had gotten 4 intercepts and Damon had gotten 2. 

The final score was 14-12 Giants had won, after all their hard work and commitment they had earned the trophy (a box of chocolates). Overall Luca had won the leading goal scorer, Jacinta and Luca were joint winners of the MVP (Most Valuable Player), Natasha had won the Walkley Award for her journalism skills and Danielle had earned a Certificate of Appreciation for officiating the most amount of matches throughout the tournament.