Principal's Report

Mr Rob Pyers | Principal

Horsham College Annual Report

The Annual Report for 2022 was presented at our May Council Meeting and is now available on our school website.  Hardcopies are available on request from the College.

The report highlights the strength in our College’s 2022 results but also the underlying work and quality of the College Staff and the quality of the relationship that exists between students, staff, and families at the school.  It re-affirms what our school can achieve when students, staff and our families are working together. 

The College was above state average in all but one area of the report and was above like schools in all areas.  This is a fantastic result and something that all within our community should be proud of. Some key data sets are listed below.


College Expectations and living our values

The College has expectations of its students and staff.  We want it to mean something to say that you learn and work and are part of our College community, and the best way to emphasise that is by doing the small things well.

There is an expectation that every student is here to learn, to follow the instructions of staff and to collaborate with their peers in a positive and respectful manner. 

At times students need to be reminded of these expectations, as we prepare students for the world that awaits them beyond school, where following the rules of society, following instructions from their employees, and living within a community are expected.


Horsham College students are expected to

  • be respectful to each other and the staff supporting them
  • be respectful to their community 
  • be active learners and willing to challenge themselves
  • be in uniform as determined by the College Council

and most importantly live our values of Care, Character, Collaboration and Commitment.


Our College is a proud Government school which provides for all, and we will always have the highest expectations of our students and take genuine pride in ensuring they are successful. 


School Sport – Expectations beyond the classroom

Horsham College has a proud history of teams representing at both local, regional, and State level. I would like to remind students and families that representing our College comes with the expectation that students behave and show the values our College expects each and every day. 

Every student who represents the College on the sporting field is representing our sports program, their team, the coaches, and themselves. Representing the College  is a privilege, and we expect students to understand this and to again live our values accordingly.


VAPING – Zero Tolerance

It has been announced recently by the federal government that the current vaping culture that has spread throughout Australia will have significant restrictions placed upon them.   Until we have clarity on what this means at a school level, I would like to again remind families that we have a zero-tolerance approach to vaping at Horsham College. Students who are caught vaping will be educated in regards the impact of vaping and consequences will occur.


Thank you

I would like to publicly thank Meg Woolford and the Leadership Team for leading the College in my absence.  The feedback I have received is that Meg and the team did an amazing job steering the ship in my absence.  Thank you.