Hello, from Grade 5/6 in the Garden

Gardening with Grade 5/6

A few photos of the students working on the Nettle St side of the school. They've been creating a retaining wall from the fallen limb of a gum tree, mulching, planting and pruning.


Creating a retaining wall
Moving a heavy tarp to smother weeds
A quick break!
Backfilling the retaining wall
More helpers
It's heavier than it looks!
Clearing the footpath
Finally almost in position!
Finishing touches
Cutting back and tidying outside the multipurpose room
Counting limes
A final clean!
Creating a retaining wall
Moving a heavy tarp to smother weeds
A quick break!
Backfilling the retaining wall
More helpers
It's heavier than it looks!
Clearing the footpath
Finally almost in position!
Finishing touches
Cutting back and tidying outside the multipurpose room
Counting limes
A final clean!