Principal’s Message

COVID-19 Update

Welcome to Term 2, 2020 a vastly different term to any I have experienced in my thirty years of teaching. For many of us, the uncertainty and fear around COVID-19 has been very stressful.  Therefore, looking out for the well-being of our students, families and staff is our highest priority at the moment.  As is trying to keep all stakeholders safe and well.  The NSW Premier has announced that schools are only open to children of essential front line workers  for the first two weeks and following that, schools will begin a staggered return from Week 3 (May 11). 

The staff and I are currently working on what they might look like and how it might be achieved with a reduced staff.   Once a decision has been reached, the plan will be communicated to parents through the usual channels.  It is likely that this approach will mean more and more students attend school gradually on certain days eventually culminating in full time attendance.  In order for us to provide a safe working environment for the staff and students, it is vital that you keep your children home if they are unwell or if anyone in your household is unwell.  We are awaiting further instructions from the Armidale Catholic Schools Office as to whether we will be taking temperatures on arrival to screen students before they enter the gate.  

It is an extraordinarily difficult time for everyone and some of you are doing it especially tough.  Please remember we are here for you.  Yes, we are concerned about our students and their learning but at the end of the day, we need to have a realistic approach. There will be lots of information coming home from your child's teacher regarding online learning and at times it will seem overwhelming.  I encourage you to do the best you can which may mean on some days, your child does very little online work.  Our teachers know this and are only setting out minimal work in English, Maths and RE.  It is very important, however, to read the notes we send home so that you know what is happening at school.  Please don't hesitate to call or email your child's teacher for help and assistance. 

I hope everyone was able to enjoy their Easter break with their family.  We pray that this difficult time will soon come to an end and we will all be back together again, enjoying our beautiful, brand new school.

May God bless you,

Katie Hanes



St Joseph's School - a Faith Filled Community Where Learning Matters.