Inquiry Learning Overview 


Inquiry Learning

During Inquiry this term, students will be exploring the central question of: How do we develop as a whole child in a global context? This is related to the UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child, and we are focusing on the question through the lens of the Global Goal of good health and well-being. This unit has a curriculum focus on health and personal and social capability and was developed with the regard to our membership to the Council of International Schools, ensuring that we develop learners who are ‘Global Citizens’.


Issues that will be explored during this unit include what it means to be a whole child, the targets set out within the Global Goal of good health and wellbeing, what gratitude means and how it relates to developing as a whole child, different aspects of health including physical, mental, social and emotional and more. This inquiry unit will also tie in with our positive change project, where learners will investigate the question ‘How can we help those without rights beyond raising money?’


To support your child in this area of learning you may find the following tasks at home beneficial:

• Looking at the UNICEF Rights of the Child located at and the our Global Goal at and discussing what these mean

• Keeping up to date with global events by reading the newspaper/ reading articles online

• Having discussions about good health and wellbeing and how this might differ around the world.