Religious Education


Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door I will come in. 

Rev 3:20

Welcome back to Term Three

During this time of uncertainty many of us feel the need to reflect through payer. Press here if you would like to receive a daily message from Pope Francis. It provides you with the opportunity to stop for a few minutes and reflect.


In Term Three each year level will be undertaking an RE Inquiry. The Preps 

are looking at how the Arts can teach them about their faith. The Year 1/2’s                         are looking at how we connect to our faith through Art.


In Year 3 to 6 there is a significant focus on sacrament. Year 3/4’s are focusing on the sacrament of Reconciliation and Year 5/6’s are focusing on the sacrament of Confirmation. As you are aware, we are uncertain as to how and when this will 

take place but we will keep you updated about this! 


It is, however, very important that the students explore these sacraments as they are such an important part of our life; it is what connects us with the presence of God.


What is a Sacrament?

A sacrament allows us to make a connection to the presence of God in all of creation. 

God is a divine mystery; a mystery that we continue to explore all our lives. 

There are times when we feel a real awareness of God’s presence in our lives like the birth of a baby or the love shown between two people. These are known as moments of transcendence and are a gift that we call grace. God’s presence allows us the opportunity to transform ourselves, to reflect God’s love in the world in which we live. 

A sacrament allows the intangible to be tangible or as St Augustine says,  

“a sacrament is a visible sign of an invisible grace.”


In the Catholic tradition there are seven sacraments in which we participate.

These sacraments are a serious commitment to ongoing participation in church life and the mission of the church. We spend the rest of our journey living out our life modelled on Christ. This is the ongoing challenge for all of us in our everyday world! 

Let’s keep our Years Three to Six in mind as they explore these sacraments and reflect on their lives as Christian people.


Bernadette Reed