Junior School Learning

Mrs Fletcher: Inquiry

Over the past few weeks in Junior School Inquiry we have been learning about the digestive system and skeletal system.  Students have learnt the importance of these systems in our body and are able to name some of the key areas of the system.  Students enjoyed drawing a skeleton and dancing to the song ‘Dem Bones’.

Mr Lindsay: Personal Learning

Over the last fortnight, students have been developing a ‘toolbox’ of strategies to use when they are not in the green zone. Students have experimented with a range of strategies and have considered how useful they found each strategy.

Students were also introduced to the Imagination Station, a new play area in our yard! We explored the new play materials for students to use during break times and discussed safe play practices.

Mrs Wells: Digital Technologies

This week students have been learning about protecting personal information through the cartoon ‘Hector’s World’. We have been discussing what personal information is, who it is safe to share with and the dangers of sharing personal information about yourself with strangers.

Miss Kearney: Indonesian

In Indonesian students have learnt how to count to 10! All students have done a fantastic job remembering all of these numbers.  Here they are if you want to have a go at home:

1- Satu

2- Dua

3- Tiga

4- Empat

5- Lima

6- Enam

7- Tujuh

8- Delapan

9- Sembilan

10- Supuluh


Tre makasi (thank you)


Our favourite young explorers in the junior school this week conducted their best David Attenborough impressions and went searching for bugs, critters and any other thing that moves in the garden (besides Mr Irwin!). The kids really loved getting their hands dirty and getting an up close look of those little critters with magnifying glasses (no worms were harmed during this experiment).