
Australian Mathematics Competition - the results are in! 

A round of applause for all our mathematicians who participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition!  We are proud of all of you and your positive growth mindset when tackling challenging problems.  All students should have received their certificates this week. 


A huge congratulations to Arran H in Year 3, who received the Best In School award. Well done!


We love maths at St James, and we hope you enjoyed the experience no matter your result. We are ALL maths people. Well done, everyone!





St James Maths Olympiads - Competition Five

We take our hats off to our St. James Maths Olympiad team - Siena G, James H, William H, and Belle F, who have just participated in their FINAL competition of the year.  The Olympiad problems posed are no mean feat, and we are incredibly proud of our students' dedication, growth mindset, positive attitude, and ability to tackle complex problems. 


Congratulations, and well done, ‘Megaminds’! 



Rich Maths Game of the Week


Belinda Mihalicek

Mathematics Leader