Parents Association 

Message from Co-Chairs 

Connie Sands & Virginia Pullman


Wow, what a month!  There have been so many exciting activities at school that it’s hard to name them all.  


It was amazing to see the sunshine and all the happy and smiling faces at the Colour run, the kids had it all, from running through the obstacle course and getting coloured, playing in the playground, playing basketball, or having a boogie to the music as well.  How much fun it was to see the teachers who volunteered to get slimed!  Thanks so much to Kate Korber and Georgia McNamara for organsing such a fun day, to all the other volunteers that helped out on the day and to all the families who fundraised for the event, we raised almost $10K.


With the end of the term on Friday, from the PA, we would like to wish you all a wonderful September holiday.  It sounds like many of you are heading away and we are sure you will enjoy your break.


We have a few events coming up in the last term and we still need volunteers to run the mango drive, which involves taking orders for trays of mangoes and also volunteers to help out with organising the grandparents morning tea on 28 October.  This just involves coordinating some food and sending out an invite. The food is usually donated by families by kids bringing in a plate on the day.  Please contact Connie or Virginia if you are happy to help out with one of these.


Stay tuned for the details of our end of year Parents Christmas party which will be on a Friday night around the start of December.


Father's Day and Special Friends Breakfast



A huge thanks to Meg Donoghue and Sally Catlin for organising this morning.  Please find some words from Meg below.


After two years not being held, the return of the Father's Day and Special Friends Breakfast had a huge turnout.  Around 214 dads, special friends and kids came to school early for breakfast.  It was a great morning with lots of smiling faces, catch ups and kids having fun. 


A huge thank you to the Foundation parents who helped prepare and come early on the day to help out and serve. Also a big thank you to Brendan, Carmelina and Ann for their help with the preparations. 


St James Colour Run: Thank you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to our entire community for the most wonderful Colour Run day last Friday.  The excitement was palpable as our children ran, crawled and high fived each other throughout the day.  The purpose of the day was to have FUN and we did that in buckets and spades. Thank you to our families who got behind the day and supported with fundraising. The final amount raised was $9457 profit which is amazing! The student prizes will be delivered and distributed early term 4! Congratulations to 2E who raised the most money and enjoyed a yummy fish and chip lunch yesterday!


We thank you and hope you all had the best day of the year!

In particular, thank you goes to the following parents who volunteered on the day:



A huge thank you goes to Georgia McNamara and the teachers for supporting the children to make the day an amazing one!


Until next year……


Kate Korber @ STJPA




Oaks Day


The Oaks Day Lunch is now booked out.


If you are interested in backing a winner this Oaks Day with some of the St James Mums at the Brighton Yacht Club Oaks Day Luncheon you can go on the waitlist for any cancellations as follows as this event is now booked out:


Any questions please contact the organiser Belinda Chapman.




The St James Defibrillator - Thanks to fundraising

The defibrillator has arrived and has been mounted on the wall in the sick bay area.


This will literally be a life saving piece of equipment - with audio and visual commands that are designed to offer first responders simple instructions and basic life support until further help arrives.


A big thank you to Jo Picking for recommending this particular unit for the school, and for Dave Picking for hanging it.  Jo will continue to do weekly checks to ensure everything is fully operational.  St James Staff have also received operational training.


We are currently looking at other options to use some of the recently raised funds including some new IPADS and/or refurbishing the downstairs toilets.




We are very grateful for the continued support of all our parents, the school and local  community.  All our PA members are volunteers who generously give up their own time to organize our school events. 


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly:



  • Oaks day lunch - Thursday 3rd November (SOLD OUT - WAITLIST ONLY)
  • Grandparents morning tea - Friday 28th October 
  • Parents end of year Christmas party - DATE TBA - Friday night early December
  • Dads/Special friends and kids - YMCA Camp Anglesea - Friday to Sunday, 17-19 March 2023 
  • Mothers Day St James Ladies lunch- Saturday 20 May 2023