Father's Day/Special Person's Day

Father's Day Raffle


A big thank you to our generous sponsors for donating three INCREDIBLE prizes to our 2022 Father’s Day / Special Person’s Day raffle. We are forever grateful for your support 




1st Prize Matador BBQ valued at $200 with compliments of Bunnings Oakleigh www.bunnings.com.au

2nd Prize $150 voucher with compliments of Cent‘ Anni Oakleigh East www.centannirestaurant.com.au

3rd Prize Delectable chocolate hamper, with compliments of the Michael family 

Second-chance draw for each class – Esky hampers 


Winners drawn on Wednesday 31st August following the Father’s Day stall.



This year we are changing things up a little! Raffle books will be sent home with students prior to the Father’s Day stall. Tickets are $1 each and will be sold in books of 5, 10 and 15. 



You can pay cash by returning the tickets in the envelope provided with student names clearly written on each ticket


Purchase tickets using CDFpay (insert link) , adding the number of tickets for each student. Once payment is received, we will print your tickets to go into the draw.


Don’t miss out on a chance to win these fabulous prizes! Raffle tickets must be purchased before Monday, 29th August. 


Father's Day/Special Person's Day Stall


It’s that time of year and the Parents Association elves have been busily preparing the wonderful gifts for the COHR 2022 Father’s Day Stall.

If your special person is into camping, cars or cooking, or loves chomping on chocolate, we’ve got you covered!



Wednesday, 31st August



We LOVE helpers! If you are free to assist on the day could you please reach out to Rachael or Sandra in the office to pop your name down. We’ll get the show on the road from 9am in the hall. Thanks in advance.



Of course we couldn’t do this without our incredible people. A big shout out to Jess Brown, Melea Stone and Alicia Michael for sourcing the awesome gifts, and packaging them with love. A huge thank you to our generous supporters for the amazing raffle prizes and donation of stall items:

Bunnings Oakleigh South  bunnings.com.au

Centi ‘Anni Oakleigh East centannirestaurant.com.au

Coles Oakleigh coles.com.au

Fiona Tang fionaariva.com

Paisley Park Child Care paisleypark.com.au

Tarantino’s Pizzeria tarantinospizzeria.com.au

Brown family, Michael family, Stone family & Unwin family