Cheltenham East Primary News and Events
In 2022, our region has had a big focus on collaboration between Secondary Schools and Primary Schools. As a result we’ve been working closely with Cheltenham Secondary College to explore how both schools through shared insights and pedagogical conversations can improve outcomes in Mathematics.
While Project 22 is ongoing some of the key events are listed below:
- CSC teachers observing CEPS teachers teaching mathematics.
- CEPS teachers observing CSC teachers teaching mathematics.
- Data meetings scheduled to discuss transitional mathematics data from primary to secondary.
- Share professional learning, hosted by CEPS with Professor Peter Sullivan visiting to discuss approaches to teaching mathematics.
Certainly to this point, the collaboration between the two schools has triggered some terrific discussions about both schools’ approaches to mathematics. It has also led to good conversation around preparing students for high school and how CEPS can give their students the tools to be successful mathematicians once they graduate.
Mr. Bourke - Leading Teacher
The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. The school selects families at random and issues the survey details via email. The email for this year’s survey was sent to the selected families today.
Approximately 30 per cent of parents/caregivers/guardians have been selected to participate in this year’s survey. The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey will be conducted from Monday 15th August to Friday 16th September.
The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the fieldwork period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The online survey will be available in a range of languages other than English. These include: Arabic, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese, Chin (Hakha), Hindi, Japanese, Somali, Turkish, Punjabi and Greek.
The survey gives the school important feedback on areas of concern and also strengths as perceived by the parents. This has included parents asking for the school to have a stronger focus on grounds and maintenance, which has been a focus on the past two years.
Joshua Bourke – Leading Teacher
The fair closed on Thursday at 12 noon. Thank you to everyone who supported the fair.
Our school will receive a commission, based on the amount taken at the fair. We will use Scholastic’s online book supplies to fill our shelves with brand new books. I am sure the children will be very excited to see some of their favourite books available for borrowing very soon.
I spoke to Scholastic today and have been assured that our book fair next year will showcase books for all ages. Our book fairs held in the past, featured a huge selection of quality fiction and non-fiction titles. I also lodged all reorders, and I will deliver them directly to students when they arrive. Posters could not be reordered, so those students received a refund on Thursday afternoon.
I would like to thank Mrs Waugh for supporting me and taking on a huge workload. She has been amazing! We were very busy at the fair and the following teachers gave up their time at lunch and before and after school. Thank you very much; Mrs Emmanouil, Paul, Mrs Butler, Mrs Uhe, Mrs Beaton, Miss Doutch, Mrs Robinson, Miss Morrow, Sarah Lazzaro, Sam Collins, Ms Judge and Libby.
It was great to see so many children dressing up on Tuesday. Our book character parades are such a highlight during Book Week, and we were all very impressed with the creativity and original costumes worn by very excited students. Thank you parents for supporting this event. We were all entertained when Mr Bach read, The Pigeon Wants a Puppy, while Hudson and Nicole acted out the story. We think they were amazing!
Book Character Parade Winners
Foundation: Rocky and August
Grade One: Madi and Harper
Grade Two: Pedro and Emilia
Grade Three and Four: Reuben and Pearl
Grade Five: Julian and Ash
Grade Six: Liam F and Emm
Competition Winners
Teachers Pet: Ahana and Ayana ¾ C
Tricky Book Quiz: Isabella J 2A
Animal Quiz: Emilia 2A
Photos taken by Mrs Reid, Libby and class teachers, Thank you!
This year’s school concert will look different to other years in an effort to remain COVID safe.
- To celebrate the Year 6 students’ final concert, they will work with Mrs Digby to present their own production piece at a school hall performance in Term 4.
- Year 5s are presenting the Gala Performance of the ‘My Best Self’ program from Dancesport Confidence on Sep 15th at St Louis de Montfort Hall, Aspendale. The program has focused on Personal and Social Capabilities and Respectful Relationships this term. (see newspaper article in Ballroom dancing to help students with confidence - Bayside News)
- Years F-4 will present an end of term celebration in December on the oval with a ‘picnic – style’ outdoor event in warmer weather.
You will appreciate the flexibility we are all working with to ensure many wonderful experiences for our students, whilst managing safe conditions for our whole school community.
Specific dates will be advertised closer to the events.
We look forward to the celebration performances in store for us all!
Thank you to everyone who has already donated their spare plastic bottles so far, we are well on our way to getting the greenhouse up and running.
We still need more bottles, so please continue to bring in your spare 1.25L and 2L bottles and put them in the donation box at the office.
Please make sure to rinse the bottles before bringing them in so there is no spillage.