Acting Head of Student Welfare 

Ms Farron Boxall 

Year 7 Rowing Trials

Yesterday Year 7 students had an out of the ‘oar-dinary’ Welfare Assembly hosted by Director of Rowing Oliver Wilson-Haffenden. Oliver was joined by Year 9 students Noah Haas and Anthony Volta who introduced the boys to the sport of Rowing at SVC. They talked not only to the practicalities of competing and training sessions but the added social and cultural benefits of participating in the team sport. Opportunities such as this often help students to broaden their social network and form friendships with other boys they may not necessarily have met yet. Having a wide and varied social network is valuable for the general wellbeing of our students. There was much excitement in the room as boys rowed in teams for House points. At the conclusion of the session many boys expressed interest in the upcoming Rowing Trial Day. If you have any questions about this, please contact Oliver

Work Experience 

The buzz around Work Experience continued this week as students of 10C and 10D returned back to campus telling stories of their wide-ranging places of work and skills gained. This experience has provided an opportunity for students to explore their future career pathway options and to learn the value of their work. We thank the business owners and employers who have made these opportunities possible for our students and I particularly thank staff who have gone out of their way to visit boys at their place of work or phone employers for valuable feedback on their progress. 


Upcoming Work Experience: 10E and 10F: Monday August 29 – Friday September 2

Student Reminders 

Chewing Gum

Chewing Gum is banned at SVC due to the unfortunate damage caused to school property and unhygienic nature when not disposed of correctly. Over recent weeks Teachers have noticed an increase in students bringing gum to school and chewing it in class. This has been addressed with students and Parental/Carer assistance with this matter is greatly appreciated. 



As we are now mid-way through the Term, student hair has naturally grown since their school holiday trim. Over the past week I have noticed hair that has outgrown our College Policy. I would ask parents/guardians to please support us in monitoring the hair length and style of their son and make an appointment with a hairdresser if required to maintain the following;

Hair must be clean, tidy, of natural colour with no trace of dyes, bleaches or tints. Hair may be shaved with a number two blade, but not a number one, and should be shaved evenly all over with no long hair on top and with short sides. Hair should not exceed collar length or cover eyes or the face. A small amount of mousse or gel may be used to keep hair in place but not to create spikes or other effects.