Kings Park Campus Principal Message

Kings Park Report
Year 8 Snow Day
On August 18, 116 year 8 students with 12 staff members went to Lake Mountain for a snow day experience. A great day was had by all!
Student Led Presentations
This very important events in our students’ school year were held on Thursday Sept 1 and Friday September 2. Fantastic to see so many students talking about what they are learning, how they learn best and future goals they have in regard to their learning. It was another sign from our recovery from COVID that we were able to hold these in person (although we did add the option that parents could join in remotely, perhaps from their workplace!)
Cultural Day and Wear It Purple Day
Thank you to Muneel and the SRC for their wonderful organisation on the day. It was so refreshing to see engagement with school and cultural traditions. The performances as led by John and Garry were outstanding. The Brimbank City Council Mayor, Jasmine Nguyen, commented on how positive and enjoyable it was to visit and be with the students and staff on this celebratory day.
R.U.OK Day
It’s an important day where students are asked to check in with each other and support those in need.
Pasifika Programs
We have reached the end of this 10 week program for our Year 7 & 8 Islander students. Pasifika Program - Tautai LEAD is a mentoring program that is designed to support Pasifika students to lead and engage in their school learning environment through the vehicle of Tautai LEAD and by the strengths of the Pasifika cultures. Focusing on leadership skills, cultural identity, resilience and making positive choices.
This has been a fantastic program for our students that they have enjoyed immensely!
Term 4 considerations are going through student management teams of which students and year levels to invite.
Interim Reports
These are being completed by teachers and will be available to parents at the end of this term.
Building Works
Shade sail installation is complete between Science building and the Soccer pitch. They will do a clean up before removing the temporary fencing. This is an area flagged for artificial grass next year.
The exit ramp and steps from Admin block to C Team is being demolished over the school holidays and re-instated. This may mean we are using other exits in the first weeks of term 4 but the demolition will have the least impact with this timing.
We are also in the process of actively planning what renovations to our admin area may look like - watch this space!
Mr Lance Petherick and Mr Mark Nugent Campus Principals, Kings Park