College Principal Message

Last week saw our wonderful Student Led Presentations and Senior VCAL Pathways Presentations. Copperfield is unique in the emphasis we put on these confidence boosting formal presentations. They are big moments in students’ lives and are designed to equip them well for their future lives as tertiary students as well as in the work place. Australian Skills Councils, tertiary institutions, employer groups and the Foundation for Young Australians are unanimous in their view that the ability to do presentations like this, is a key skill for the future. Not only that; we know that when families see the Student Led Presentations they are moved and proud of their children.
Student voice was also on display at our Curriculum Day in August where some of our student leaders nobly gave up their own time and steeled their nerves to address large groups of teachers. They presented the findings of the student focus groups about what makes an aspirational learning environment in the classroom. Teachers appreciated their commitment and largely agreed with their insights. Staff then articulated observable indicators of an aspirational classroom which will be used by the leadership team to do Learning Walks in classrooms so we can formatively assess our progress towards achieving this Strategic Plan goal. The student leaders are to be congratulated on their commitment to their peers, their role and the college for doing this. Sadly, I was too busy presenting to take photos and neglected to ask someone else to do so. But they were our two College Captains, Chris Vassiliadis, Kaye Bautista as well as Ella Mcaughtry and Todd Truong from Delahey and Brandon Tran, the Campus Captain from Kings Park. The students from Sydenham Campus who presented were Bella Portelli and Angus Morgan. Well done and thank-you.
One of the other sessions on Curriculum Day was also about ensuring our learning environment is inclusive; our Community Engagement Officers represented our Chin and Sudanese communities, other cultural groups were represented by a range of individuals. It was an excellent day to introduce our new Sudanese Community Engagement Officer; Ayak Marwien. I am sure you will get to know her in time.
Western Chances Scholarships applications are currently being prepared. We did put a notice on our website about that however it is important to note that there are clear criteria which include demonstrable financial hardship as well as academic ability and or leadership and or a special talent. They are coming to the college in Term 4 to film some of our scholarship recipients for promotional material which is an exciting opportunity for our students.
You will have seen my Compass message about refocussing on the mobile phone policy. The distraction caused by mobile phones impacts negatively on students’ learning, their inappropriate use can cause distress to other students and their families and creates unnecessary conflict with staff. I seek your support in encouraging the students in your care to take the policy seriously.
We are still aiming to refurbish the Kings Park general office however we are experiencing some delays that are beyond our control.
Ms Pip Griffiths
College Principal