Office News

Term 4 - 2023

Uniform Reminder

The Gilgai Plains Primary School Dress Code provides clear direction to parents and students on the expectations of the school and our community. Parental and student support is sought to ensure high standards of dress are maintained through the wearing of school uniform at all times, while at school or representing the school in the community.


Please refer to the school uniform policy for further information.



Battery Rescue Challenge


Gilgai Plains is participating in the Big Battery Rescue Program! 


What is it? A Battery Recycling Program designed to recycle used batteries that would otherwise contribute significantly to landfill. 

Why? Only 3% of used batteries are recycled responsibly! 

How do I get involved? Chat to your family members and friends about collecting their used batteries, and bring them along to the donation bin at school! The school that collects the most batteries wins $1000! 


Calling all Battery Recycling Superheroes! Our school needs your help to recycle as many batteries as we can in order to: SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT, SAVE THE PLANET & MAKE A DIFFERENCE WITH THE BIG BATTERY RESCUE! #TheBigBatteryRescue #StocklandLiving