From the Principal 

Welcome to Term 4 - 2023

From the Principal 


Welcome back to Term 4. Our students have calmly settled back into class and are happily learning together with their teachers and friends. Term 4 is always an exciting and busy time in a school. It’s a term of consolidating and celebrating the skills, learning and friendships that have grown and developed over the year. As a staff, we wonder at the difference we see in the children, not just physically, but academically, emotionally and socially. It really is so very rewarding for educators and we encourage our teachers to stop and appreciate the part that they have played in the life of the children they teach.

Many parents and carers often laugh and tell me that when they ask their child how school was, the only response they get is “good.” 


“How was school today?” is a very big question. It’s hard for a child to sum up a whole day that is full of activities, events, learning and social stuff, so in the end it’s just easier to say “ok,” especially when they are tired. However, talking about school is important because it shows your child that you are interested in what is going on. This interest can boost your child’s happiness, wellbeing and mental health and also positively affect their behaviour and achievement. It encourages your child to value school and education because they know that it is important to you. 


Some strategies to help parents get better responses from their children include picking the right time to ask questions, having a sense of when your child is relaxed and wanting to talk. (Some days this may not happen at all!) Asking more specific questions that are harder to answer with just a yes or no can also help. “What was the best thing today? Who did you work with? What did you do after lunch today?”


If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to talk to your child’s teacher. They, too, know your child well and offer great insight into the school life of your child.

Our Foundation students will have lots to talk about this week after their big trip to the farm. I am now an expert on how to hand feed a horse, which will hopefully come in handy one day!


Thank you to all our parents and carers who are able to come along to our assemblies. I know it’s not possible for many of you, however if you get the chance to, the kids get such a big kick out of seeing you there. Please check our Compass calendar for all the events and assemblies coming up this term.


I had a call from Stockland this week. They have asked if they can use our school grounds for the Diwali Festival this Sunday, due to the boggy conditions of the sports field where it was due to be held. Of course we are very happy to share our fantastic facilities. Hopefully many of you will be able to come along and enjoy this special event.


I have received a letter from Hume Council in response to concerns raised by our community about the need for a crossing on Toyon Road. I have shared this communication below. They have also sent me a design and map of where they intend to put the crossing, which is attached for you to see.


“In response to concerns raised by the local community, Council has investigated Toyon Road for pedestrian safety concerns and has found that this road meets Council’s warrants for the construction of a raised safety platform school crossing.

This project will include the installation of a raised safety platform, kerb outstand, footpaths, new pram crossings, and in the vicinity of the crossing. The raised safety p[latform will improve safety for pedestrians crossing the road and will assist in reducing traffic speeds.


A layout plan of the proposed works is attached for your information. Construction is scheduled to commence in late 2022. Council will take all appropriate steps to minimise inconvenience to residents during the construction period.

If you have any queries or require additional information, please contact Council’s Traffic Engineer Christopher Pawluk on 9205 2469.”


Thank you for the support we have received to assist us in bringing this issue forward. I look forward to chatting with you more in the yard.


Have a wonderful weekend.


Anthea Jamieson
