Bernadetta Martella

Wominjeka Everyone, 


All Day OSHC: our Excursion to CERES for All Day OSCH- Friday the 16th of September- is full booked and now all the bookings are closed.

A reminder that All Day OSHC will operate from 7:30am to 6pm.

SunSmart: a reminder that with SunSmart policy students are required to follow sun protection with their hats and sunscreen.


PROGRAM For week 10 of Term 3:


(*) a variety of cereals is offered (porridge, corn flakes, weet-bix, rice balls) and a selection of toast (wholemeal bread or fruit toast) with spreads (jam, butter, nuttlex or vegemite) is available every morning

(**) fruit and vegetable platters are offered every afternoon 

Please Note: Focus activity and menu are subjected to any change


Pictures from last week’s program:



Cooking Club: Vanilla Cookies with Native taste


Building Cubby House


Bingo at Before School Care


Exploring The Yakkai Barring and searching for the sour grass or wild onion!



Be Safe