We are very excited to announce that this year we will be presenting our biannual Art Show. This year's theme is ‘Oatlands Kingdom Castle’. All students will be working on individual and group pieces to fill our castle space. We look forward to sharing what our students have been creating for this each term.
We welcome half of our prep students into the art room and hope that they have enjoyed establishing routines, understanding the workings of the art room, a basic introduction to colour theory and practicing their fine motor skills through a variety of activities.
Our junior grades (1 & 2) have commenced their first art show piece which has involved studying leaves, sketching leaves and creating watercolour patterned paper. These will be used to create their own leaf to be combined to make grape and vine leaves for the castle walls and table.
Our grade 3 students have completed a collage using a limited colour pallet. The bunting will be displayed at the art show. Students had to consider line, space and shape to create their bunting. This saw students having to think about layout, size and proportion, as well as balance.
Our upper school (4-6) have been busy creating their Visual Diary front cover with an emphasis on lettering and layout, which helps them revise their knowledge of the 7 Art Elements.
The first few weeks saw our grade 6 students complete their vinyl transfer of their initials onto their dilly bags. These were then taken to camp for their utensils. They have begun their first piece for the art show- which is a 4 part piece involving a variety of mediums and techniques to create a personal coat of arms. The first piece they are creating is an illuminated letter using watercolour, poscas and fineliners.
Di Derfi & Tanya Shave
The Art Team