
Morning Training

The Bairnsdale Clontarf Academy have hit the ground running with morning trainings and boot camps.


Every Wednesday and Friday morning the boys all get together to prioritise their physical health and form healthy habits of a good routine. They do this by starting their day with morning training at the gym and the BARC. We have seen great numbers halfway through the term which is great to see. All staff are more than welcome to join in on all the fun activities we offer and build positive relationships with the boys in the academy. 


After each morning training we head back to the academy room to have breakfast with each other and discuss upcoming events, the day ahead and sometimes have guest speakers in to talk to the boys about their schooling experience, work placement and general wellbeing.


Leadership Camp

Leaders rise up for the final chapters of their schooling career.


The 2023 Leadership Camp was a great opportunity for our emerging leaders in the academy to connect as a group and prepare for the upcoming year. The camp is created to connect, develop and inspire our young leaders in the Victorian Clontarf Program. The boys got a great mixture of physical activity, life skills, personal development and a great bonding experience with each other around the campfire. We travelled to Melbourne and had a great time telling stories and having a laugh. When we got to Melbourne we met up with the Mildura Academy and had a lovely BBQ dinner before heading over to our first activity called the Adventure Rooms.


There was an amazing turn out from partners for our morning training and it was a great opportunity for the boys to interact with them. The boys had set up camp down at Yarra Valley with some amazing tent skills using the sticks instead of poles and teamed up into groups of three for our camp challenges. All the boys loved camping because it is a great way to escape reality with no phone signal and the opportunity to make plenty of good memories with one another.


Mario won one of the Clontarf camp champ awards which outlined being resilient, showing leadership and being extremely helpful with setting up camp and cooking. We would also like to say a great big thank you to Harry Gibbs as without him this camp wouldn't have been possible.