Malgobila News -           

Years 10,11 & 12


phone: 5150 4823

Upcoming events

Deakin University attending BSCWednesday 29th March
Year 10 Immunisation Thursday 30th March
House activitiesTuesday 4th April
Year 12 Dress up Wednesday 5th April
Parent teacher conferencesWednesday 5th April 5.00 pm to 8.00 pm
Parent teacher conferencesThursday 6th April 10.00 am to 1.00 pm NO FORMAL CLASSES
Student Free Day Monday 24th April

Relay for Life

Saturday the 18th of March a group of VCE VM students participated in Bairnsdale Relay For Life. The 3 students Madi, Amelia and Georga spent several weeks completing paperwork and organising the team to be entered as a school event. The 3 organised a team of year 12 students and supervision from the school’s staff, including LSA’s. For the event they also put together a gazebo, food and water. Staff volunteered their time and brought along icy poles, drinks and pizza.


Relay for life is an event which raises money and awareness for cancer, the event includes walking/running continuously around an oval. There were activities like a thong throwing competition and music to dance along too. On the day there was 25 teams with 259 participants. The event was held from 2.00 pm to 10.00 pm at Lucknow oval.


By the end of Saturday night, they raised $4,325.00 and have a goal to reach $5,000. By reaching this goal they will be able to choose which cancer research fund they would like to donate too.


On the day the students went through some harsh weather hitting 36 degrees under the boiling sun, the wind picked up during the evening making it more difficult. The students had lots of fun and made many memories together. They are very proud of how much they achieved, this meant a lot to the 3 girls.


By the end of the night the BSC Crew walked/ran 257 laps and won the most enthusiastic award. 


Year 12 Elevate session 


Year 12 students had an Elevate session in Forge theatre on Time Management.  These sessions are heard throughout Year 11 and 12 to help our students in their final years of Secondary School.  

Year 10 Outdoor Education surfing trip


Year 10 Outdoor Education had the perfect weather to visit Cape Conran to learn how to surf.  The students were very excited when they could stand on the board and catch a wave or two.

VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies Alpine Hike


The VCE Outdoor and Environment Studies class completed their Alpine Hike on March 7th to 9th. Students and staff walked along the Razorback trail to Federation Hut, with many taking the opportunity to scale Mount Feathertop. Teacher Harry Gibbs was disappointed by the lack of feathers at the summit. 


The second day saw the group taking on the notorious descent of Diamantina Spur, in cold wet weather. After battling through the day all students were very pleased to get to Dibbins Hut for some warmth and shelter. Starting day three with a difficult climb out of the valley, then beautiful conditions to make it back to civilisation feeling sore, weary, but proud of completing the Alpine Hike.


Student Ky Ward had the following reflection:


Hiking is 90% great and 10% terrible.  Depending on the conditions and the route it can be a journey that is beyond amazing even though it can be hard and you can get the occasional leech. It can be an experience that is worth pushing yourself for, not only that, you can also workout your leg muscles just from walking. You also have to remember that when your going on a hike to plan ahead so if you’re going on a 4 day hike make sure that you have enough food packed for 4 days and bring a med bag just in case of emergencies. Bringing thermals to make sure you’re warm in your sleeping bag at night because depending on where your camping temperatures can get down to -1 degrees and I bet you’d wish you brought your thermals for the hike. 


It is also important to bring the right equipment you need on the hike like a hiking backpack and water and a toothbrush basically the essentials you’d need on a 4 day hike. Another thing you should bring on the hike is a blister kit because if you walking for 4 days you may need a blister kit in case of blisters. 


Things I learnt on my hike is that walking sideways down a hill will help you if you think you are going to fall down.  Also carrying a stick with you will help in stabilising your balance and warm fires prevent hyperthermia (trust me its nice to have a warm fire after you know where you’re going to stop).  I love hikes and hopefully you will too.

Senior students hospitality 

Lots of yummy food is cooked every day in our hospitality subjects.  Teaching our students life skills on preparing food handling and cooking.

George and Akeela
George and Akeela


Year 11 VCE Food Studies students made grissini, carrot dip and edamame dip for their first assessment practical in Food origins – Food around the World, outcome 1. Students had to cook with an ancient grain, cultural flavours and commodities as part of their assessment.

Emily and Kerry
Jovi and Zachary
Emily and Kerry
Jovi and Zachary

VM Year 11 Maths 


written by Julia


On Wednesday the 8th of March, Year 11 students in VM ran a carnival. The students had 2 to 3 sessions in class to get themselves organised into some groups and to decide what games they were wanting to run. Some of the games that were planned was an egg and spoon race, a bean bag toss, a slime making activity, Pie Face, Face painting, Photo Booth and heaps more games. With some of these games students had decided that they would give out prizes (chocolates and lolly pops) to the staff/ students that would have placed 1st or 2nd. This is a part of their math task that they were given to do.

VM VCE Guest speaker


VM students as part of their studies are hearing from a guest speaker once a fortnight. The guest speakers are providing information on different career paths. So far this year students have heard from Turk from Clontarf,  Marty Fanning from Crossfit/Strength Training Bairnsdale, Belinda Stewart from 3875 Design and Drafting and Emily Davie our new VM Co-ordinator.  


Interschool Clay Target shooting


On Tuesday 14th March seven Year 8 to 11 students from our College attended the Riviera Secondary Schools ASF (Australian Simulated Field) Championship.  Our students competed against other schools from across the state, 16 students in total attended the day.  The students finished a respectable 3rd place and they had a great day.  The students should be very pleased with their performance and how they conducted themselves.  They did themselves and our College proud.  Well done.